Band Parent Meeting Tuesday, September 1st
There will be a mandatory parent meeting on Tuesday, September 1st at 7pm at the Band Hall. This meeting will happen in conjunction with the monthly Band Booster Meeting. Sign-ups for the concession stand will happen that evening as well. Each week, just for Varsity home games, we need an average of about twenty-five volunteers to run the concession stand for things to run smoothly, so we have a need for a lot of volunteers!
We need a parent for every student in the band program please at this meeting, particularly any student that is going to New York this summer. Friday I sent account balances out to those students who have paid a deposit on the NYC Trip via e-mail and via hard copy. If you have questions please contact me about them.
Please remember that 7th and 8th Grade Fees ($25) for shirts are due this week as well. Please contact Mr. Williams if that is an issue for you or your student. We will always work with families if there is a need to do so! I would like to thank the OHS Parents who have helped make that be very smooth this past week!
Thank you for your help and support as we get this school year moving forward!