Odem Bands Schedule Week of 1/15/2018
I would like to begin this week by congratulating John Pizana (Percussion) and Zenaida ‘Ziggy’ Lara (Clarinet) for advancing to the All-State Band! Both represented Odem High School well and we congratulate them! They will participate with the All-State Band Clinic February 14-17 in San Antonio in conjunction with the TMEA State Music Convention. I believe their band will perform at 9am on Saturday the 17th – I will confirm that before that date. Congratulations to both of them and we wish them the best of luck in the final State Round of Auditions!
Spring Band Fees
Spring Band Fees should be current and posted within our Charms System at this time. If you worked the concession stand please be patient with us for a few days as we make sure those students accounts have their accounts waived. The Odem Bands Spring Fee of $50 applies to all 7th-12th Grade Band students in the Odem Bands. All fees should be paid by January 31st.
Orlando Trip Meeting
There will be a trip meeting next Tuesday, January 23rd at 7pm. We need every student to at least have a parent present at this meeting. I do understand there is a basketball game that evening and will work with anyone affected by the game, please contact me and we’ll make up the meeting in the next couple days. I will have an updated itinerary and cost at this meeting. Please make sure that we have payments made for student accounts at least to $800 by the end of this month.
Band Hall Schedule
Tuesday: Open until 4:30pm
Wednesday: Open until 4pm
Thursday: Open until 5pm
Friday: Open for Instrument Pickup until 4:10pm
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns!