Odem Bands Schedule Week of 8/17/2015
Good evening,
The Spirit of OHS has had a fantastic few weeks of rehearsal preparing for our season ahead. Our schedule is going to be adjusted quite a bit this week. Please see the schedule below to be sure you are aware of the rehearsal schedule changes. We would like to extend an invitation to all of the parents and community members to attend our annual ‘Meet the Band’ performance at the Stadium on Wednesday at 7:30pm. We will premiere our show that evening.
Please also remember that we need the Fall Band Fee 1 of $35 from all students turned in. Checks or Money Orders made to Odem HS Bands, no cash will be accepted. For freshmen and any students that need new band shoes the additional $40 to cover the band shoes is due the first week of school.
Monday Evening: NO REHEARSAL – Freshmen Orientation Night
Tuesday Evening: 6:30pm-9:30pm Rehearsal
Wednesday Evening: 6:00pm Rehearsal Begins
7:30pm Meet the Band
Thursday Evening: NO REHEARSAL – Meet the Teacher Night
One last reminder that September 1st is the last day to join in on the trip to perform at Carnegie Hall at the current price. I sent an updated Payment Schedule out last week and more information is available above under the Carnegie Hall Trip Menu.
Thank you for your help and support of what I believe is going to be another outstanding year for The Odem Bands!
-Mr. Steven Rash
Director of Bands
Odem High School