Odem Bands Schedule Week of 4/10/2017
I would like to begin by thanking all of those involved in making our ‘Marches of the Past’ Fundraiser a successful event. Mandy Edwards, Rita Jasso, Kimberly Luna, Frances Lovaas, Patrick Hammack, and Kevin Murphy worked very hard on all elements of the event. There were a few others as well, if you see them please say thank you! I had many people suggest we do something like this annually, we will look at some possibilities next year. Thank you to those who came out to the event!
This week is all about the UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Evaluations on Wednesday and Thursday for us. There will be no guard practices or drum major practices after school this week. We will resume the following week with those. Leadership will only meet Monday during lunch this week.
On Wednesday two of our bands will compete at UIL. The first group that morning will be the High School Symphonic Band at 9:20am. Those students need to be at the Band Hall by 7am on Wednesday morning. We will return from their performance before lunch that day. After lunch Wednesday the Odem JH Symphonic Winds will report to the Band Hall to prepare for their departure and performance. They should perform at 2:20pm, and our goal is to return before the end of the school day.
Thursday our remaining group, the Odem HS Wind Ensemble will report to the Band Hall by 6:15am. Please arrange rides for your student to arrive by that time as it is imperative that all students arrive on time. We are the first band to perform that day at 8:30am. We will return with those students prior to lunch.
Junior High Students Attire:
Gentlemen: Black Slacks, White Button down shirt, Tie (Solid Navy preferred), Black Socks, and Black Dress Shoes
Ladies: Black Blouse, Black Slacks, Black Dress Shoes
High School Students Attire:
Gentlemen: Black Button Down Shirt (Open Collar), Black Slacks, Black Socks, and Black Dress Shoes
Ladies: Black Blouse, Black Slacks, Black Dress Shoes
UIL Events are open to the public and our event is Free for admission. We invite you to see your students performance and then follow us back to the Sight-Reading Room which is also open to the public. Should you come with us there please be advised that no pictures, audio, or video recording is allowed in that room. We hope that you join us the day of your students performance!
Band Fees:
There are still a number of students who have not paid their Spring Band Fee of $50. Please contact us if you have any questions in regards to this. The Spring Band Fee is due from all 7th-12th grade students, it is waived if a parent works an evening in the Concession Stand in the Fall.
2017 Best Communities for Music Education:
You may have seen online, but I would like to congratulate Odem-Edroy ISD for being one of the Best Communities for Music Education Nationally for the 3rd Consecutive Year! Only 45 districts in the State of Texas join the 527 Districts Nationwide receiving this honor. We are very proud to be among the very best in the nation!
Band Hall Schedule:
Monday: Open until 4pm for Instrument Pickup
Tuesday: Open until 4:30pm
Wednesday: Closed afterschool
Thursday: Closed afterschool
Friday: No School
Thank you for your help and support, please let us know if you have any questions or concerns! Wish us luck at contest this week!