Colorguard Camp Information

Colorguard camp will be held this Monday-Wednesday, July 18-20, at the Band Hall. This is a mandatory camp for all colorguard members. The camp will run from 9am-Noon, and 1pm-5pm each day and students will be on their own for lunch. MA Dance, the company that runs the camp that we attended last year, will be sending a representative to run the camp for us and choreograph our full show for this coming year. Attached to the bottom of this post is a release form that must be signed and turned in Monday morning. We will have extras at the Band Hall if needed that morning.

Ladies should please bring the following each day:

  • Comfortable and appropriate attire (including appropriate shoes!)
  • Water Jug/Bottle
  • Notebook/Pens to make notes

Tentatively at 4:30pm on Wednesday the ladies will perform some of what they have learned for any parents/guests that wish to come see. We will post an official time here and on Facebook when we have determined that.

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns!

Mr. Steven Rash

Director of Bands

Odem High School


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