Odem Bands Schedule – Week of 1/15/2024


I hope this message finds everyone staying warm! This week is a light one for the students in the bands, but we will have an evening Cleveland Rehearsal on Thursday. All participants need to be attending these rehearsals, and working to learn the music for the performance as soon as possible.

We do have Spring Band Fees coming due this month. Those fees are for all students in Grades 7-12, and are $25/Student payable via Check or Money Order. They help to offset many of the costs in the spring with clinicians, supplies, music, etc. Please make payment out to OEISD, Memo: Band, no later than Monday, January 22nd. (extended to next week due to early release on Friday) Please contact us if you have any questions!

Finally, our Boosters have decided to postpone the meeting for tomorrow night to next week. Please plan to attend, as we have needs to fill officer positions for next year!

This Week’s Schedule:

Monday:Band Hall Closed after school
Tuesday:Band Hall Closed after school
Wednesday:Band Hall Closed after school
Thursday:Cleveland Trip Rehearsal 6pm-8pm
Friday:Band Hall Closed after school

Upcoming Events:

February 1stAnnual Solo and Ensemble Recital5pm
February 15thUIL Region Solo and Ensemble ContestTBA
February 16th-17thRegion Jazz Clinic/Concert 
March 25thPre-UIL Contest Concert (JH and HS)5pm JH, 6pm HS (Tentative)
April 4th-5thUIL Concert and Sight-ReadingTBA
April 26th11th Annual South Coast Jazz Festival 
May 4thWindi and Jazzi Fundraiser 
May 10thAmerican Classics Festival: Odem HS Wind Ensemble and Odem JH Symphonic Winds at Del Mar College2pm/3pm
May 13thOdem JH Symphonic Winds and HS Spring Concert 
May 14thOdem JH Beginning Band and Concert Band Spring Concert 
May 24thGraduation 
May 26th-27thUIL State Solo and Ensemble 
June 3rdCleveland Send-Off Performance 
June 4th-8thCleveland Trip 

Thank you for your help and support of these amazing students! Please contact us if you have any questions!