Odem Bands Schedule – Week of 1/16/2023

This week is a light week for us with the Odem Bands with no events scheduled. The main two items of note this week is that Spring Band Fees of $25 for Grades 7-12 students should be paid by February 1st, as well as any outstanding fall band fees. The Spring Band Fee goes towards helping pay for Spring Expenses, Clinicians, etc. that come up for the bands. If you have a financial concern with this please contact Mr. Rash or Mr. Williams to discuss it, and we’ll work with you on that need.

The other big item is Trip Deposits for Cleveland 2024 should be coming in on Tuesday. There are four ways we can handle payments for this trip; Our travel company can debit your checking account automatically per your selection at sign-up, you can pay them directly with a credit card (I believe there is 3% surcharge), you can mail them a check, or you may do as we have in the past and pay a check/money order to ‘Owl Band Boosters’ and we will forward that onto the company. 

As of this email we have 50 Students/chaperones signed up for the trip. This is enough to ensure the trip is doable! We’re looking forward to what should be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for our students here! Please do note we can still add students, so if you haven’t signed up yet – you are able to still do so! Please visit this site: https://bobrogerstravel.grcoll.co/go/odem8949 to complete registration for the trip. 

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have!

This Week’s Schedule:

Monday:No School for Students
Tuesday:HS Band Hall Open until 4:00pm
Wednesday:HS Band Hall Open until 4:00pm
Thursday:HS Band Hall Open until 4:00pm
Friday:HS Band Hall Closed

Upcoming Events:

February 3rd and 4th All-Region Jazz Clinic/ConcertEvening FridayAll-Day Saturday
February 16thAnnual Odem Solo and Ensemble Recital6pm
February 23rdUIL Region Solo and Ensemble ContestTBA
March 27thPre-UIL Contest Concert 
April 12th-13thUIL Concert and Sight-Reading Evaluation 
April 22ndOdem JH Symphonic Winds and Odem HS Wind Ensemble Performance in San Antonio at Tobin Performing Arts Center (Concert Competition)All Day

You may find our full 2022-2023 Odem Bands Calendar here (Includes JH Dates as well): http://www.odembands.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/2022-2023-Odem-Bands-Calendar-v1.pdf

Thank you for your help and support of these amazing students! Please contact us if you have any questions!