Odem Bands Schedule – Week of 1/17/2022
I hope this message finds you well! This week is another light one for the Odem Bands. Tomorrow night we will have our monthly band booster meeting that was postponed from last week at 7pm in the HS Cafetorium (if unavailable we will meet in the HS Jazz Room). Of topics to be discussed will be minor information updates to the band trip and our Windi and Jazzi fundraiser which will take place on May 7th this year. We are looking for some new parents to join in our group of officers for next year with several ‘graduating’ officers on our hands here! Please consider volunteering for this organization that is invaluable for your student’s time in the Odem Bands! Membership is open to all parents of 6th-12th Grade Band students!
Our only other event is starting up our Odem HS Wind Ensemble evening rehearsals we’re going to have on Thursdays for the next few weeks. Please see that section below if that applies to your student.
Odem HS Wind Ensemble Information
This week we will begin having evening rehearsals for Wind Ensemble on Thursday evenings from 6:30pm-8:30pm. I will speak with students more about that in class this week. Typically, with Wind Ensemble music we perform longer music that needs additional rehearsal time. We generally do these in January until the end of Basketball season that seems to bring more events into students’ busy schedules.
We have also confirmed the opportunity that we will have to perform at Texas A&M University Corpus Christi with the group on Saturday, March 5th as part of their inaugural Invitational Band Festival. Getting an opportunity to perform in the hall at TAMUCC is an amazing experience as a musician! Their auditorium is in the top five concert halls in the State of Texas, and we look forward to performing there. Once the bands have all been finalized we will receive a schedule/itinerary. We get to rehearse/perform/receive a clinic for 75 minutes on that day. We will then return to watch the TAMUCC Symphonic Winds in concert that evening.
2022 Orlando Trip
A fourth trip payment should be made this month. If you haven’t turned that in please do so! The link below will allow you to make payments directly to them.
You may also pay the Owl Band Boosters via Check or Money Order turned into the Band Hall Office or brought to the Band Booster Meeting Tuesday night.
I am currently working with our travel company to make sure I have a complete record of payments made online so I can send accurate statements out. Hopefully I’ll be able to get those out this week.
This Week’s Schedule:
Day: | Event: | Time: |
Monday: | No School | |
Tuesday: | Band Hall Open After School for Practice Band Booster Meeting | 3:30pm-5:30pm7:00pm |
Wednesday: | Band Hall Open After School for Practice | 3:30pm-4:00pm |
Thursday: | Band Hall Open After School for Practice Odem HS Wind Ensemble Rehearsal | 6:30pm-8:30pm |
Friday: | Band Hall Closed after School |
Upcoming Events:
Day: | Event: | Time: |
Monday, 2/7 | 4th Annual Odem Solo and Ensemble Recital | TBA |
Thursday, 2/24 | UIL Region Solo and Ensemble Contest (Note this date just changed again on us this week) | |
March 3rd | MS All-Region Jazz Recordings Due | |
March 5th | Odem HS Wind Ensemble at TAMUCC | |
March 28th | Odem Bands Pre-UIL Contest Concert |
Thank you for your help and support of these amazing students! Please contact us if you have any questions!