Odem Bands Schedule Week of 1/22/2018

This week we will have a meeting on Tuesday, at 7pm for the Orlando Trip this summer. We need a parent and student at this meeting to discuss an update to the trip. If your student is attending this trip please make sure you are there. I understand if anyone is involved in basketball games that evening that it may conflict. Please make plans with me before the end of this week to meet with me after Tuesday. Additionally if anyone is still interested in joining I believe I have a spot or two to fill. If you’re interested please be in attendance. It is imperative also that we are having payments coming in. Many students are behind in payments – all accounts should be at least to $800 this month. I will be sending out trip statements this afternoon to all parents/students that have current e-mail addresses on file with Charms.

This week otherwise will be a light week for the bands. We would like to wish the students involved with this weeks Stock Show the best of luck!


Band Hall Schedule This Week:

Monday:           Band Hall Open until 4:30pm

Tuesday:           Band Hall Open until 4:30pm

Orlando Trip Meeting 7pm

Wednesday:       Band Hall Open until 5pm

Thursday:          Band Hall Open until 4:30pm

Friday:               Band Hall Open for Instrument Pickup until 4:10pm


Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!