Odem Bands Schedule – Week of 1/28/2019
This week we’ll be focusing on preparing students for their Solo and Ensemble performances next week, as well as Mr. Williams will have the first rehearsal of the Odem JH Jazz Band on Tuesday after school. Finally Mr. Williams will begin a fundraiser with the OJH students this week, please keep an eye out for that information!
2020 Washington, D.C. Deposits Due:
We are still accepting deposits for the trip. At this time we are still short of numbers, so please get those deposits in soon.
2nd Annual Odem Solo and Ensemble Recital Next Tuesday:
We will host our 2nd Annual Solo and Ensemble Recital next Tuesday evening. Many of the students who will be competing next Thursday at the UIL Solo and Ensemble contest will be performing their pieces for their parents, community, and friends. The event begins at 7pm in the Odem HS Cafetorium. Performers should arrive at the Odem HS Band Hall by 6:15pm.
Following the performances we will have a brief reception.
UIL Region Solo and Ensemble Next Thursday:
We hope to receive our performance times for UIL Region Solo and Ensemble early this week. I will send out the information on our itinerary for that day as soon as I can. S&E is held in Robstown at Seale JH. As with all UIL events it is public and you may attend your students performance.
OJH Mixed Bags Fundraiser:
Mr. Williams will begin the annual Odem JH Mixed Bags fundraiser on Wednesday. The students will be selling bags and kitchen items. Please be on the lookout for more information from him on this. Additionally there is an online link that will be shared that you can send to friends and relatives who don’t live in the area.
This Week’s Odem Bands Schedule:
Monday: Band Hall Open until 4:15pm
Tuesday: OJH Jazz Rehearsal 3:45pm-4:45pm
Wednesday: Band Hall Open until 4:30pm
Thursday: OHS Wind Ensemble Rehearsal 6:30pm-8:30pm
Friday: Band Hall Open until 4:00pm
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns!