Odem Bands Schedule – Week of 1/6/2019
Happy New Year! We hope everyone had a great holiday break, and are ready to start the spring semester off! We have a few things going on right away this semester, beginning with Area auditions on Saturday for our six students who have advanced. They will need to be at the band hall by 7am Saturday.
We also will need deposits for the trip to Dallas no later than January 15th. I have placed information about that trip below. This trip is open to all Odem HS members who wish to attend! We would like to see at least 50 students attend, if not every student from the HS Band. We will be doing a couple fundraisers to help raise money for this trip this semester. First will be the Sponsorship Fundraiser – we will begin it sometime this week, or early next. Please look out for those forms to go home.
Additionally please save the date for our 1st Annual Mattress Fundraiser on Saturday, March 7th. We are going to try this as since it has been a very successful fundraiser for other bands and groups around the country. We have a company we have partnered with that will setup a one day store to sell mattresses at the high school. We provide the showroom space and the customers, they give us a cut on every mattress sold. They will also give us a bonus commission when we reach certain sales targets. You will be receiving more information from me each week in regards to this, but they tell me the fundraiser is at its most successful the more we tell people about it. They have name brands of mattresses and deliver, and this’ll be a great opportunity to replace old mattresses!
Trip to Dallas:
We will be traveling to Dallas in May with the Odem HS Band to perform at the University of North Texas – Murchison Hall. Students will also attend a Dallas Symphony Concert and go to Six Flags in Arlington before returning home early the next day. Please see this link for more information: http://www.odembands.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Band-Trip-to-Dallas-2020-Information.pdf
We need $75 deposits no later than the 15th of this month. Trip payments to California may be applied and we will refund the balance to anyone who has paid more. The total cost of the trip will be $300.
Mattress Fundraiser:
As we said above for the 1st Annual Mattress Fundraiser we are looking to share the word as much as possible. Please help us out with following these steps!
1. Please JOIN our Facebook event and INVITE your friends!!!! http://bit.ly/OdemBand2020.
2. Join our Texting Campaign: Text: bed 4Odem to: 797979
3. Text a copy of the attached flyer to all your friends and family with following message: http://www.odembands.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Odem-Email-Flyer.pdf
“Odem High School Band needs your help. Mattress Sale March 7th. Great beds, better prices. If you need a mattress, call me and I will explain the details.”
4. Share the attached flyer via email / social media.
Wind Ensemble Spring Rehearsals:
Due to an early UIL date, the members of the Odem HS Wind Ensemble will have evening rehearsals most Thursdays beginning this week until contest at the beginning of March. This will be each Thursday 6:30pm-8:30pm for the band. We understand that students are very busy and will work with all students who may have games scheduled (always excused for Odem HS Games/meets), but need students there otherwise in order to prepare our music for their UIL performance. Please contact Mr. Rash if you have any questions or concerns in regards to this.
This Week’s Odem Band Hall Schedule:
Monday: No School for Students
Tuesday: Band Hall Open until 5pm for Solo and Ensemble/Area Practice
Wednesday: Band Hall Open until 5pm for Solo and Ensemble/Area Practice
Thursday: OHS Wind Ensemble Evening Rehearsal 6:30pm-8:30pm
Friday: Band Hall Open until 4:00pm
Saturday: Area Auditions
7am – Students at Band Hall to Depart for Orange Grove
4:00pm – Depart Orange Grove for Dinner
~6:00pm – Return to Odem HS
Upcoming Events:
Saturday: Area Auditions (Orange Grove)
Tuesday, February 4th: 3rd Annual Odem Solo and Ensemble Recital
Thursday, February 6th: UIL Region Solo and Ensemble Contest – Robstown
Monday, February 24th: Pre-UIL Contest Concert
Thursday, March 5th: OHS Wind Ensemble and OJH Symphonic Winds UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Evaluation – Goliad
March 7th: Mattress Fundraiser
April 1st/2nd: OJH Concert Band and OHS Symphonic Band UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Evaluation – San Diego
You can find the 2019-2020 Odem Bands Calendar here. (http://www.odembands.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/2019-2020-Odem-Bands-Calendar-Version-1.1.pdf)
As always please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We appreciate your support of these hard working students!