Odem Bands Schedule Week of 1/8/2017

Happy New Year!

I hope your holidays were relaxing! As we enter January we don’t have many events, but we will be gearing up for a very busy few months to round out the year. Our scheduled date for contest is earlier this year on March 6th in Goliad for the HS Wind Ensemble, HS Symphonic Band, and JH Symphonic Winds. We hope to be able to take the OJH Concert Band to contest in early April depending on eligibility. Please see each section below for more information on this spring’s upcoming events.


Band Booster Meeting – Tuesday

We will have our monthly band booster meeting on Tuesday at 7pm in the Band Hall. Please come for updates on upcoming fundraisers. We will have some updated trip information that night and collect trip payments as well.


Area Auditions – Saturday

We have 9 students who have advanced to the Area round of auditions that will be held in Orange Grove this weekend. Those students will compete for their chance to perform with the All-State Bands in February. Students need to be at the Band Hall at 7:30am so we may depart for Orange Grove. They should bring some money for the snack bar, or snacks with them. We will stop on the way home for dinner which will be covered by the school. Students may be picked up early if that is their/your wish. Please contact me in regards to the procedure there!


June Trip to Orlando Meeting

Tuesday, January 23rd at 7pm we will have a meeting for the students and parents attending the trip to Florida this June. Please note that student accounts need to be at $800 by the end of January. We have a couple students who have said they are no longer going and have some spots open if anyone is interested in adding late to the trip. The price of $1,200/student may fluctuate a little this month as we receive final pricing of tickets.

Please make plans to attend the meeting if your student is attending the trip. I know we’ll have a conflict with the HS Varsity game that evening. Please get in touch with me to setup an appointment after that date, preferably within the following week please.

I will be sending out trip statements here shortly and will hand them to students in class this week as well.


JH All-Region Jazz Auditions

OJH students in 7th and 8th grade are invited to audition for the ATSSB All-Region Middle School Jazz auditions. This is a recorded process that we will complete before the end of this month. Mr. Williams has handed out the music to some students, if your student is interested they should be sure to be working on it the next few weeks. We will set the specific date for recordings this week.


JH and HS Solo and Ensemble

In February Solo and Ensemble is earlier than last year as well, on February 8th in Robstown. We hope to have our first annual Solo and Ensemble recital on Tuesday, February 6th so students can play for their parents and the community. Eligibility for Solo and Ensemble is based off of the 3rd Six Weeks grades that will be given to students on Thursday. Students will be asked to verify their registration for the event tomorrow before being locked in.


Windi and Jazzi Fundraiser

This spring we are going to have a fundraiser on Saturday, April 21st. This will be a dinner evening event like our Marches of the Past fundraiser, but will feature performances by The Screeching Owl Jazz Band, and a ‘Pops Concert’ by the High School Band. We will most likely ask for JH students to help out with serving during this concert. The boosters will be coordinating a silent auction for this event as well. If you’re able to volunteer or help out in any way it would be helpful for you to attend this week’s booster meeting.

We will be having a rehearsal with a guest conductor on the 20th and in the early afternoon of the 21st for this event as well. Please make sure these two days are kept clear of events.


Band Hall Schedule

Monday:          Band Hall Open for Practice Until 4:30pm

Tuesday:          Band Hall Open for Practice Until 4:30pm

7pm Booster Meeting

Wednesday:     Band Hall Open for Practice until 5pm

Thursday:        Band Hall Closed after school

Friday:            Band Hall Open Until 4:30pm

Saturday:        All-Area Auditions (Students at Band Hall by 7:30am)


I am attaching an updated Spring Bands Calendar to this as well. Thanks again for your help and support of these students!


[pdf-embedder url=”http://www.odembands.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/2017-2018-Odem-Bands-Calendar-Updated-1-7-2018.pdf” title=”2017-2018 Odem Bands Calendar – Updated 1-7-2018″]

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