Odem Bands Schedule – Week of 10/10/2022
First this week, congrats to senior drum major Emma Doria for being named the Homecoming Queen this week, and to senior euphonium player Jonathan Espinoza for being named the Homecoming King! Homecoming is always a busy week and we appreciate all of the students making the efforts that were required at the end of the week to perform several events in a very short time!
This week we get to the performances they have been working so hard for these past months, with UIL Region Marching Contest taking place this coming Saturday in Beeville! Our performance is at 6pm that day, and we are hopeful that we will continue our tradition of then advancing to the Area Marching Contest the following weekend! Students will need to be at the school by 11am on Saturday to warm-up, load, eat lunch, traditional senior speeches, and check uniforms.
Due to these next few weeks of contests it is imperative that students are at every single rehearsal and performance as we close in on our goal of once again being Area Finalists, and hopefully placing within those finals! Each of these rehearsals often have final tweaks that we make that might not be rehearsed again as much later in the week!
For the UIL contests please note that tickets will not be sold at the gate. All tickets must be purchased online at this link: https://uilmusicregion14marchingcontests.ludus.com/index.php Please be sure you select the Beeville site for the tickets! There will be people at the gate who will scan the QR codes you will be provided after the purchase. Tickets are $5, and children under 5 years of age are admitted for free.
As part of our rehearsing to the finish, we do have another guest clinician who will be working with the band tomorrow night from 6:30pm-8:30pm. Please help us make sure every student is present for that very important rehearsal!
Next Saturday will be the Area Marching Contest back in Beeville. I anticipate a fairly early performance based on our draw order. We will be able to provide schedules for that performance no later than Monday I hope! The night before that will be our Senior Band Ceremony/Parent Night prior to the game beginning.
That will bring us to our next big event, hosting the 2A Area Marching Contest on Saturday, October 29th. I have posted a sign-up genius here for that event: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4FA8A92AA7FAC25-uil2aarea We do not anticipate this being as large as our Invitational, but it will take the same volunteer force to bring the event together for those participating schools. We will perform in Exhibition at the end of the contest like we did with ours and especially will need adults helping out at that point.
We will be concluding our season the following week on our overnight trip to San Antonio as we perform at the Bands of America Super Regional Competition in the Alamodome. There are currently 82 participating bands in the competition, and we are looking forward to being back in the Dome and also getting to watch some amazing bands to conclude our season! More information will come when we get through with our area contest.
Thank you for your help and support all season, but most importantly here as we sprint to the finish!
This Week’s Schedule:
Day: | Event: |
Monday: | Evening Rehearsal: 6:30pm-8:30pm Guest Clinician – (Test Grade) |
Tuesday: | Open for Sectionals Owl Band Booster Meeting: 7pm – HS Cafetorium |
Wednesday: | Evening Rehearsal: 4:00pm-5:30pm |
Thursday: | Evening Rehearsal: 6:30pm-8:30pm |
Friday: | Odem vs. Hebbronville: 4:45pm: Students at Band Hall ~5pm: Depart for Hebbronville 7:30pm: Kick-Off ~10:00pm: Game Concludes ~12am: Return to Odem |
Saturday: | UIL Region Marching Contest (Mandatory!) 11:00am: Students Arrive for Warm-Ups 12:00pm: Load Equipment 12:30pm: Lunch/Sr. Speeches 2:00pm: Students in Bibbers 2:30pm: Students boarding Buses 2:45pm: Depart 3:45pm: Arrive 4:55pm: Walk to Warm-Up 5:15pm-5:45pm: Warm-Up 6:00pm: Perform 7:15pm: Announcement of Ratings/Advancing Bands 7:45pm: Depart to Return Home 8:45pm: Arrive in Odem |
Upcoming Events:
Day: | Event: | Time: |
Monday | Marching Band Clinic/Rehearsal at Owl Stadium (MANDATORY – TEST GRADE!) | 6:30pm-8:30pm |
Friday | Odem vs. Hebbronville (Hebbronville) | |
Saturday | UIL Region 14 Marching Contest (Beeville) Students at Band Hall 11am Performance at 6:00pm Announcement of Ratings 7:15pm Return to Odem at about 8:45pm | All Day |
October 21st | Odem vs. Banquete – Home (Band Senior Night Pre-Game) | |
October 22nd | UIL 3A Area E Marching Contest (Beeville) | All Day |
October 28th | Odem vs. George West (George West) | |
October 29th | Host UIL 2A Area E Marching Contest (Note Students must be there this day as we will perform in Exhibition at the conclusion of the contest!) | |
November 4th-5th | Bands of America Super-Regional Competition (AlamoDome – San Antonio) | |
November 11th | Veteran’s Day Ceremony Week 1 Playoff Games | |
November 29th | Middle School All-Region Brass/Woodwind Auditions | West Oso Evening |
December 3rd | HS All-Region Auditions and Middle School Percussion | Alice HS All Day |
December 8th | HS Winter Concert | 6:30pm |
December 17th | Odem Community Christmas Parade | 6pm |
You may find our full 2022-2023 Odem Bands Calendar here (Includes JH Dates as well): http://www.odembands.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/2022-2023-Odem-Bands-Calendar-v1.pdf
Note: There is one additional event scheduled now that is not on that calendar yet. The Spirit of OHS will be marching in the Odem Christmas Parade on December 17th. The parade is set to begin at 6pm. We need every student who is in town still to please be in attendance. More information will come about this event as we draw closer to it.
Thank you for your help and support of these amazing students! Please contact us if you have any questions!