Odem Bands Schedule – Week of 10/14/2019 – Homecoming and UIL Region Contest

Welcome to a very busy couple weeks here for the Odem Bands! We have Homecoming Week events towards the end of this week – then our bigger event of UIL Region Marching Contest as our first step in our efforts to return to the UIL State Marching Band Contest. We hope to earn our chance to compete at the Area Contest next weekend in Beeville! Please read through this weeks information carefully as there’s a lot happening!

Rehearsal Schedule Adjustment

This week due to Homecoming we are adjusting our rehearsal schedule slightly. We will rehearse Monday and TUESDAY from 6:30pm-8:30pm, and then Wednesday 4:30pm-6:00pm. Thursday we have the parade and ‘Burning of the O’ which will prevent us from rehearsing that night. It’s imperative that students attend rehearsals this week in order for us to have our best performance Saturday!

Thursday – Homecoming Parade and ‘Burning of the O’

The Parade will begin at 7pm this year as an ‘illuminated’ parade. Students are encouraged to find ways to light themselves/instruments up. (Battery powered Christmas lights, glow sticks, etc.) We do ask that they take care not to damage instruments/finishes with broken glow sticks as we have contest Saturday! The parade will follow the traditional route and lead into the Burning of the O at about 7:30pm. Students will need to be at the Odem HS Band Hall by 5:30pm to prepare for the event.

Friday – Homecoming Pep Rally and Game

On Friday we will have the Homecoming Pep Rally at 3pm at Owl Stadium. Students will need to be at the Band Hall to prepare for the game by 5pm. We can use some parent help Friday before we head to the stadium to assist in making pant lengths uniform for the band. If you think you might be able to help with that please contact Mr. Rash.

The Homecoming Court will be announced at 6:45pm, and the game begins at 7:30pm against Monte Alto. We need parent volunteers to help at the concession stand this week around 5:45pm and on. Please help if you were assigned the week, but also please help if you’re able to give an extra hand too. We know that the home side will be quite busy with this week being homecoming.

At the conclusion of Half-Time and the Game we need students to help us go ahead and preload our equipment for Saturday as we have an early start for contest the next day. Please encourage your students to get home and get a good nights sleep to prepare!

Saturday – UIL Region Marching Contest

Saturday morning we will have a very early morning for our contest due to being first for Class 3A Marching Bands. Students need to be at the stadium for our walkthrough no later than 6:00am. We will have complete our walkthrough and need to dressed and on the buses by 7:15am. We will arrive at Sinton HS by 8am to unload our front ensemble, props, and other equipment. We need about ten to twelve parents to assist us at the contest with equipment to make sure we can get on and off the field in the time we need to. Please come find us in the parking lot closest to the high school to ask Mr. Williams for instructions on what we need.

We will perform at 10:15am. Please make sure you are at the stadium at least fifteen to twenty minutes early to buy tickets and be in the stands. They close off the seating two minutes before each band performs. After we perform and students put equipment away they may visit Dairy Queen next door in groups or the concession stands for food. Results are scheduled to be announced at 12:30pm. We will depart for home shortly after that time and should be back in Odem around 2pm.

Admission on Saturday is $5 at the Gate (No Charge for Pre-School Aged Children 5 and Under). TMF Festivals will have apparel and souvenirs for sale at the site.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8YEsxNKWsE[/embedyt]

UIL Area Marching Contest

Presuming we qualify for the UIL Area Marching Contest it will be held the following Saturday on October 26th in Beeville. The contest is a Prelims and Finals format. We anticipate our performance to be sometime in the middle of the afternoon, but will not be able to confirm a time until after all remaining Region Contests take place this Saturday. By Sunday we should be able to provide the time or a good estimate pending the official information from UIL.

Odem-Edroy ISD 1st Annual Feast of Kindness

We will be providing more information about this event from the district in the coming weeks, but on Wednesday, November 13th, Odem-Edroy ISD is going to host its first ever ‘Feast of Kindness’ event. It will involve a community wide turkey dinner, along with entertainment provided by students from Elementary through High School. We need students to add this to their calendars for events. Arrangements have been made to documents the students who are in attendance to excuse them from CCD in Odem. This will be a big performance for the members of the Odem HS and JH Symphonic Winds. Please save the date!

Upcoming Events:

Friday: Odem vs. Monte Alto (Homecoming)
Saturday: UIL Region Marching Contest (Sinton) (10:15am Performance)
October 25th: Odem vs. Banquete (Banquete)
October 26th: UIL Area Marching Contest (AC Jones HS – Beeville)
November 1st: Odem vs. Taft (Home – Band Seniors Night)
Thursday, November 7th: Odem vs. London (London)
Monday, November 11th: District Veteran’s Day Ceremony
Wednesday, November 13th: OEISD Feast of Kindness
Friday, November 15th: Tentative Playoff Game 1
Friday, November 22nd: Tentative Playoff Game 2

You can find the 2019-2020 Odem Bands Calendar here. (http://www.odembands.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/2019-2020-Odem-Bands-Calendar-Version-1.1.pdf)

Schedule this Week:

Monday: 6:30pm-8:30pm – Marching Rehearsal
Tuesday: 6:30pm-8:30pm – Marching Rehearsal
Wednesday: 4:30pm-6:00pm – Marching Rehearsal

Thursday: Homecoming Parade/Burning of the ‘O’
5:30pm – Students at Band Hall to Prepare
7:00pm – Parade Begins
7:30pm – Burning of the ‘O’

Friday: Odem vs. Monte Alto (Homecoming)
5pm – Students at Band Hall
6:45pm – Homecoming Ceremony
7:30pm – Kick-Off
~9:30pm – Students load equipment for Region Contest

Saturday: UIL Region Marching Contest – Sinton
6am – Students at Stadium for Walkthrough
8:00am – Arrive at Sinton HS
9:25am – Warm-Up
10:15am – Performance
12:30pm – Announcement of Ratings
~2pm – Return to Odem

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns!