Odem Bands Schedule – Week of 10/8/2018
Saturday we had an adventurous performance with a sudden rainstorm, but students handled it admirably! Ultimately the band endured through the elements, earning 2nd Place overall in Class 3A, 1st Place Percussion, 1st Place Drum Majors, and 2nd Place Color Guard. It is impressive that they managed to still do so well! Over the next two weeks we will be putting our finishing touches on our show leading up to UIL Region Marching Contest. On Saturday we have a mandatory HS rehearsal from 3pm-6pm to prepare for contest with a guest clinician.
Friday evening we have our next home game that I anticipate will be well attended by both sides. We need quite a few more parents to help work this game! Please go to this https://www.charmsoffice.com/charms/parents.asp?username=OdemHSBand link to sign-up. Ignore the student password section as you don’t have to do anything there. Just click Volunteer needs at the top and select a date on the next page and enter your information. We have three Varsity Home Games remaining at home and need help at all of them please!
Marching Health:
For all HS Marching Band students I urge parents to help us keep your students prepared for the level of activity that they are engaged in. Throughout our marching show students take 700 or more steps. Given our average step size of 22.5″ per step, that means they may cover two or more miles of distance during their 8 minute show! This is all while students are playing and engaging in visual movements that draw from dance forms. For students to avoid health issues it is imperative that they do not consume energy drinks prior to competitions or rehearsals. These drinks often times contain many ingredients above and beyond caffeine or sugar. The drinks often mess with students metabolisms and can cause anxiety, panic attacks, dehydration, and cardiac issues. The issues with energy drinks are of enough concern that the National Institute of Health has posted warnings that you may find here: https://nccih.nih.gov/health/energy-drinks
Please help us to encourage your students, especially on event days, to drink water/appropriate hydration beverages, eat a good breakfast, and continue to practice smart nutrition habits throughout the day! Students are not be allowed to have energy drinks of any type at band events and will be immediately instructed to throw them away.
Marching Clinic Saturday:
Saturday’s Marching Clinic will be held at Owl Stadium from 3pm-6pm. Students should be sure to arrive in time to be setup to begin at 3pm. Most should arrive by 2:45pm to be sure to get over there in time. This is a mandatory rehearsal for all eligible students! It is imperative that we use the time with our clinician efficiently to improve our show leading into UIL contest on the 20th!
Parent Help Needed for Contests:
Saturday we had a major issue with not having enough hands to move equipment onto the field. We ask that parents please come help us move equipment on and off of the field. We only have 2.5 minutes to have every item and student setup on the field to begin our show. This years show has a lot of pieces to setup. We also ask if you are able we can use help to unload and load equipment before and after the contest. As the saying goes, ‘Many hands make light work!’ Additionally parents to help pass out plumes, water, and check on uniforms are needed for all events. Please help your students to have their best performances every time! Please contact Mr. Rash if you are able to assist.
Region Marching Contest Information:
This week we received our information for the UIL Region Marching Contest on October 20th. We will perform at 6:45pm at Sinton High School. Please come join us for the performance and help us to turn the stands Blue and Gold! Additionally we need about twelve parents to help move equipment on and off of the field. Please contact Mr. Rash if you are available to help!
This Week’s Odem Bands Schedule:
Monday: 7:30am – Need Student Assistance Unloading Truck
6:30pm-8:30pm – Evening Marching Rehearsal
Tuesday: Band Hall Closes at 4:15pm
Wednesday: Band Hall Closes at 4:30pm – No afternoon rehearsal due to clinic Saturday
Thursday: 6:30pm-8:30pm – Evening Marching Rehearsal
Friday: Odem vs. Hebbronville (Home)
5:30pm – Students at Band Hall
7:30pm – Game Begins
Saturday: 3:00pm-6:00pm – Marching Clinic
Thank you for all of your help and support of these amazing students!