Odem Bands Schedule Week of 10/24/2016
I hope this message finds you well! Tonight I would like to congratulate once again all of the members of The Spirit of OHS on an outstanding performance yesterday at the UIL Region 14 Marching Contest. There they earned their ELEVENTH consecutive 1st Division rating, which is truly something to be proud of! The students in our program are truly part of an outstanding tradition at this point! Every single judge was unanimous in awarding them 1st Division Superior Ratings!
This week is going to be a little bit of a breather week for us from that, but the high school band will continue to prepare and work hard for their performance at the Bands of America Super-Regional Competition next week on November 4th at the AlamoDome in San Antonio. The competition features 63 bands at one of the biggest competitions for marching band in the country! As such we will continue to keep pushing to clean and refine our show so that we may have a chance at being competitive with the other amazing groups that will perform there! Please see below for our preliminary schedule and plan for BOA.
Friday will be Senior Band Parent night before the game, on the track. Senior parents should meet Mr. Williams by the band side of the bleachers by 6:30pm. We will begin our presentation at about 6:40pm.
Finally please note that the Band Sponsorship Fundraiser was supposed to be turned in this past week. We will still accept those this week as well. Please help us bring those very needed funds in!
Bands of America Super-Regional
BOA Super-Regional (Next Week, Friday November 4th)
7:30am – Students at Band Hall
8:30am – Depart Band Hall
10:30am – Lunch (TBD)
12:00pm – Arrive at Stadium
12:40pm – Unload truck
1:10pm – Warm-Up
2:05pm – In Tunnel
2:15pm – Performance Time
3:15pm – Depart AlamoDome
3:45pm – Dinner (TBA)
4:40pm – Depart for Banquete
6:40pm – Arrive at Banquete for Game
7:30pm – Kickoff
11:00pm – Return to Band Hall
Saturday, November 5th (Optional to attend awards and watch competition day 2)
8:30am – Depart Band Hall
10:45am – Arrive at AlamoDome (Bring Money for Lunch and Dinner)
4:15pm – UTSA Performs in Exhibition Prior to Awards at 4:30pm
5:00pm – Depart for Mall
~7:30pm – Leave to return to Odem
~10:00pm – Arrive in Odem
For Friday for BOA we will need parent volunteers to help with the setup on the field. Additionally we need one parent to volunteer to videotape our performance with our camera. If you are able to do so please contact me this week so I can be sure we’re set for next week. Thanks!
Odem Band Hall Schedule:
Monday: 6:30pm-8:30pm – Evening Marching Rehearsal – Guest Clinician Mr. Molina
Tuesday: Band Hall Closes at 4:15pm
Wednesday: 5:00pm-6:00pm – Evening Marching Rehearsal
Thursday: 6:30pm-8:30pm – Evening Marching Rehearsal
Friday: 5:00pmĀ Band Report for Game
6:30pm Senior Band Parents at Band Gate
6:40pm Senior Band Members Introduced
7:30pm Game Begins
As always please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
Steven Rash
Director of Bands
Odem High School