Odem Bands Schedule Week of 11/12/2018
Welcome to the last week before Thanksgiving Break! I would like to begin this week by thanking the Owl Band Booster Officers Mandi Edwards, Rita Jasso, Frances Lovaas, and Janet Hernandez for all of their hard work this fall in the concession stand! If you see any of these officers please thank them for all of their long hours making our most successful fundraiser of the year possible! Thank you to all of our volunteers who helped through the fall as well!
Tuesday night we have a Band Booster Meeting at 7pm and invite you to attend. We will be wrapping up the odds and ends from the fall with the concession stand at this meeting as well as discussing the next month or so of events.
This week we will have our first playoff game versus Dilley HS at Freer HS Stadium. Students will need to report to the Band Hall by 4:15pm so we can feed them dinner and prepare to leave for the game. We will be departing as soon as afternoon routes have returned to the school. Please make sure you plan on a game the following Friday during break as well. Traditionally we have a report time around 11am or noon for those games. More information would be available by Saturday for that game.
Beyond that for HS Students we will be having our Fall Band Placement auditions this week based on parts of the All-Region Music. All students must record as part of their Fall Semester Project Grade. We will begin recording those on Tuesday in class. I will have audition cuts for students Monday in class.
Upcoming Dates:
Please keep in mind the next month has quite a few events and dates to keep track of (I’m including the first 4 Rounds of playoff games, 6 are possible):
November 16th: Playoff Game 1 – Odem vs. Dilley in Freer
November 23rd: Playoff Game 2 – TBA
November 30th: Playoff Game 3 – TBA
December 7th: Playoff Game 4
December 8th: All-Region Auditions – West Oso (JH and HS)
December 12th: Beginning Band After School Dress Rehearsal (HS Cafetorium)
December 13th: Odem JH and HS Bands Winter Concerts (JH at 6:30pm, HS at 7:30pm)
December 14th/15th: All-Region Clinic/Concert (TAMUK)
December 18th: Winter Evening of Jazz 7pm (HS Cafetorium)
This Week’s Band Hall Schedule:
Monday: Band Hall Closes at 4:15pm
Tuesday: Band Hall Open until 4:45pm for Region Practice
Wednesday: Band Hall Open until 4:45pm for Region Practice
Thursday: Band Hall Open until 4:45pm for Region Practice
. 5pm: Senior Dinner
Friday: 4:15pm Students at Band Hall
. 7:30pm Odem vs. Dilley at Freer HS
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns!