Odem Bands Schedule – Week of 11/27/2023
I hope everyone has had a great Thanksgiving Break, and is rested for the last push of the fall semester! The next 2.5 weeks are very busy for us with the Odem Bands! Before I get into all of that though, I wanted to make sure everyone was aware that our Sponsorship Fundraiser is ongoing at this time. We sent home information with students before the break. You may find the packets here as well: https://tinyurl.com/yz8svwe6 This year instead of doing paper copies of the sponsorship form, everything is online. That form to be filled out may be found here: https://tinyurl.com/3eu27hmp . We have different levels of individual and corporate sponsorships as listed in the packet. We ask that students/parents reach out to family, friends, coworkers, and employers to see if they are interested in helping support the Odem Bands. Most fundraisers result in about 40-50 percent of the proceeds actually making it to the organization, this one is the only one we do that is 100% profit for our program. Please do your best to get the funds turned in via check or money order by this Friday. Beyond that date we will still take them, but we can’t guarantee that we’ll get them in time for the first high school concert program on the 7th.
The big events for students this week are our All-Region Auditions. On Tuesday the members of Odem JH who are auditioning will travel to Tuloso-Midway HS at the end of the school day. The Boosters will be providing pizza for our JH students. We could use a parent or two to help out with the students during the audition. If you’re available please contact Mr. Williams. We anticipate completing auditions and having students back home around 9pm. This year we have split our region into zones for the auditions, with separate sites. Due to this we are guessing when we’ll be able to return.
For Odem HS students, their Region Auditions will happen on Saturday in Alice. They will need to be at the Band Hall by 6:45am to travel there. We hopefully will have everyone back before 4pm, but will update that as we leave the school.
For both JH and HS students who are auditioning we recommend bringing some money for the snack bar. Students should wear a band shirt to the auditions.
Students who earn spots in the All-Region Bands will travel to Kingsville on 12/8 and 12/9 for the Region Clinic/Concert at TAMUK.
Finally just to keep you all in the loop we have our Winter Concerts coming up very quickly here now! The HS Bands will perform at 6:30pm on Thursday, December 7th. JH Bands have their winter Concert on Tuesday, December 12th. Please see the concert dress section below for those requirements! Please remember all concerts are mandatory and graded performances!
As I said in the opening, we’re beginning a very busy few weeks here, thanks for supporting the students through it!
Concert Attire
Concert Attire requirements are listed here. Please let us know if there is a concern or you need assistance locating concert apparel.
Odem JH:
Ladies: Black Blouse/Black Slacks/Dress Shoes (Blouses need to have some sort of sleeve that extends past the shoulder, and should not be low cut)
Gentlemen: White Button Down Shirt, Black Slacks, Black Belt, Black Socks, Black Dress Shoes, and Tie (Preferably solid navy blue, but any tie will work)
Odem HS:
Ladies: Black Blouse/Black Slacks/Dress Shoes (Blouses need to have some sort of sleeve that extends past the shoulder, and should not be low cut)
Gentlemen: Black Long Sleeve Button Down Shirt, Black Slacks, Black Dress Shoes (or Drillmasters), Black Belt, and Black Socks.
This Week’s Schedule:
Day: | Event: |
Monday: | No Rehearsal – Band Hall Closes at 4:15pm |
Tuesday: | JH All-Region Auditions Depart at end of Day, Return around 9pm? |
Wednesday: | No Rehearsal – Band Hall Closes at 4:15pm |
Thursday: | No Rehearsal – Band Hall Closes at 4:30pm |
Friday: | No Rehearsal – Band Hall Closes at 4:15pm |
Saturday: | HS All-Region Auditions 6:45am – Students at Band Hall ~3-4pm – Students Return to Odem |
Upcoming Events:
Day: | Event: | Time: |
Tuesday: | All-Region JH Auditions (Tuloso-Midway) | Evening |
Saturday: | All-Region HS Auditions (Alice HS) | |
December 7th: | Odem HS Winter Concert with Guest Conductor Dr. Ciepluch | 6:30pm |
December 8th-9th: | JH and HS All-Region Clinic/Concerts at TAMUK | |
December 12th: | Odem JH Winter Concert | 6:30pm |
January 6th: | High School Area Auditions |
Thank you for your help and support of these amazing students! Please contact us if you have any questions!