Odem Bands Schedule Week of 1/16/2017
Before I get to this weeks schedule I would like to congratulate Senior Noah Villareal on another exciting accomplishment! This week he was notified that he has been chosen to receive a $2,500 scholarship from the Texas Music Educators Association. He is only one of 70 students across the state to be chosen for a scholarship from the organization, and a very rare student in being a small school student chosen for the honor! We congratulate him on this!
This week there are no major events to speak of for the bands. Please note we do need trip deposits for the 2018 Florida trip no later than February 1st. It is imperative that we have an accurate count of students. We need to meet a minimum number of participants to make our current plans work. I plan to take a trip no matter what, but we may have to adjust our plans if we don’t have at least 50 students join in on the trip. Let me know if you have any questions. Checks or Money Orders made out to Owl Band Boosters.
Band Hall Schedule:
Monday: No school for students
Tuesday: Band Hall Open until 4:30pm
Wednesday: Band Hall Open until 4:30pm
Thursday: Band Hall Open until 4:00pm
Friday: Band Hall Open until 4:00pm
Thanks for your help and support!