Odem Bands Schedule: Week of 11/7/2016
We would like to congratulate The Spirit of OHS on an outstanding performance at the Alamodome on Friday! Thank you to all who attended our performance there! If you were there and happened to take any pictures we would appreciate them for our use on our website.
This week will be a little different, but we do have two scheduled events for the high school band this week. Thursday we will have our first football playoff game, and Friday morning we will have our annual Veteran’s Day ceremony for the district. Please see below for information on both events. Please note that our schedule for the coming weeks will be TBD based upon playoff games. Playoff games are required graded performances for HS band students. We do understand that there may be some conflicts that arise, please communicate those as soon as you are aware of them and we’ll figure out our best solution together.
Trip Deposits/Payments
Please note deposits should have been made this past month. If you are planning on your student attending our trip in 2018 it is imperative we receive those deposits as soon as possible.
Playoff Game Thursday
The playoff game for this week is Thursday at 7pm in Victoria at their Memorial Stadium. We will follow the following schedule that day. Students will remain at the Band Hall after school. I believe it is possible the pep rally may be earlier in the day, please stay tuned to the Facebook groups and district communication for more updates there.
4:45pm – Depart Band Hall
6:15pm – Arrive at game
7:00pm – Kickoff
~11pm – Return to Band Hall
Veteran’s Day Ceremony
We will perform at the annual Veteran’s Day Ceremony on Friday morning. All students should dress nicer that day for the event. Based on our past years I expect the ceremony will take place around 9 in the morning. I will attempt to provide an update early this week on that event. All eligible students are required to perform on this date.
Odem Band Hall Schedule
Monday: No School for students (State 4A Marching Contest in San Antonio at Alamodome)
Tuesday: Band Hall Open until 4:15pm
Wednesday: Band Hall Open until 4:30pm
Thursday: Playoff Game, students at Band Hall after school, return about 11pm
Friday: Band Hall Open until 4:15pm
We appreciate all of your help and support in making the program successful. I would like to extend a special thank you to all of the parents who serve as our Booster Officers. Those individuals put in a lot of hours this fall for the concession stands to run successfully – thank you! We appreciate every other adult that has spent time helping in the concession stand this fall as well. Thank you!
Mr. Steven Rash
Director of Bands
Odem High School