Odem Bands Schedule – Week of 12/18/2023

We would like to take a moment and thank all of the people who came out to support the students at their concerts these past two weeks! We have reached the end of the semester, and a bit of a break for us of events for a while. We have some high school students who are participating in the AlamoBowl marching band, Mr. Williams has been coordinating that and is available for any questions you have. Then immediately at the end of break, on January 6th we will have our Area Auditions for the students who advanced. They’ll need to be at the Band Hall at 7am that morning to travel to Alice HS for the auditions. We typically take the students to an early dinner after the auditions before coming home. I will send out more information about that the week before.

We would like all personal instruments to go home before students leave for break. We will discuss with each class which day that should be for them. Over the break we encourage students to get a little bit of practice in, just to keep their chops in shape for the return! (Particularly important for Beginning Band students!)

We hope everyone has a great holiday break!

This Week’s Schedule:

Monday:Band Hall Closed after school
Tuesday:Band Hall Closed after school
Wednesday:Band Hall Closed after school
Thursday:No School for Students
Friday:No School for Students

Upcoming Events:

January 6th:High School Area Auditions 

Thank you for your help and support of these amazing students! Please contact us if you have any questions!