Odem Bands Schedule Week of 12/4/2017
Congratulations to the 41 members of the Odem Bands for successfully competing for All-Region Chairs yesterday! 26 Members of the Odem JH Band made the bands, with 9 of those members earning spots in the top Wind Ensemble. 15 Members of the Odem HS Band earned spots, and 9 of those are advancing to the Area-Auditions for the final round to advance to All-State! Please read the All-Region Clinic/Concert section below for information in regards to Friday’s/Saturday rehearsals and the concert on Saturday.
Sponsorship Fundraiser Due
Tuesday our Annual Sponsorship Fundraiser is due. We have asked all students in grades 6-12 to please help us bring in two or more sponsors this year. Since we began this fundraiser it has consistently been an invaluable tool for our students success. Each student should have brought home a letter explaining the fundraiser, an envelope, and four sponsorship forms. It is our goal that each student have at least two sponsors.
For those students traveling to Orlando a portion of this fundraiser will be transferred to the trip account. (Only those students and only a part of it) All other money raised will be used for guest clinicians, instrument needs, and general supply needs of the band program. This fundraiser is one of our best due to there being a near 100% profit margin for the band program.
For those unfamiliar with the fundraiser, each individual sponsors name is listed in the programs at our concerts under their donor level. Corporations receive a thank you with an ad in our programs. Please help us ask at your workplaces, as well as your families and friends. We need to raise at least $5,000 to help accomplish some of our goals this spring. If every student raises $50 or more that is well within reach!
The Sponsorship Fundraiser is due on Tuesday so that we have time to process the paperwork and get the program for the 14th prepared. All money should be turned in as check or money order. Please convert any cash to one of those before the students turn in the funds.
All-Region Results and Clinic/Concert Information
On Saturday the Odem JH and Odem HS Bands had a fantastic day at the All-Region Auditions. We look forward to the students performing this coming Saturday at their concerts. The schedule for the weekend will be a little different for JH and HS. Saturday will be the same schedule for both groups. I very much encourage you to come and see your student perform on Saturday. Admission for the concerts is Free, and you may take your student home following the concert.
JH Region Schedule Friday:
Students should be at the Band Hall after school. We will have a meal for them before they leave to Memorial Middle School in Kingsville. Their bus will depart as soon as we can get buses back from their routes. Students should wear one of their Odem Band Shirts to the rehearsals on this day.
5:30pm-8:30pm: Rehearsal with Clinicians
~9:20pm: Return to JH Band Hall
HS Region Schedule Friday:
2:00pm: Students depart OHS
3:00pm: Arrive at TAMUK/Unload Equipment
4:30pm: Dinner on campus
5:00pm: Seating of Bands
5:30pm-8:30pm: Rehearsal with Clinicians
JH and HS Schedule Saturday:
Students should bring their concert clothes with them to change into before the concert. For JH Band Students Ladies will wear Black Black Blouses/Black Slacks/Shoes. Gentlemen in JH will wear a White Button Down Shirt, Black Slacks, Black Dress Shoes/Socks, and preferably a solid navy blue tie. HS Band Students wear a Black Dress Shirts/Blouses and Black Slacks/Shoes.
7:15am: Students at Band Halls
8:15am: Arrive at Rehearsal Sites
9:00am-11:30am: Rehearsals
11:30am-1:00pm: Lunch
1:00pm-2:00pm: Rehearsals
Between 2:00pm-3:00pm students will dress and travel to Jones Auditorium
3:30pm: Concerts Begin Order is HS Wind Ensemble, JH Blue Band, JH Red Band, HS Blue Band, HS Red Band
~6:45pm: Bus Depart TAMUK
T-Shirts and Plaques:
There will be commemorative T-Shirts and Plaques available before/during the concert. Last year shirts were $15 and plaques were $20. I am not sure if the prices will remain the same this year or not, when I do receive information I will make sure to pass that along.
All-Region/Area Students:
Junior High Students:Krista Beltran – Flute – Wind Ensemble |
Zoey Garcia – Flute – Red Band |
Evelyn Contreras – Clarinet – Wind Ensemble |
Mia Aviles – Clarinet – Wind Ensemble |
Emma Doria – Clarinet – Red Band |
Isabella Mata – Clarinet – Red Band |
Aaliyah Parraz – Clarinet – Blue Band |
Mia Gonzales – Bass Clarinet – Blue Band |
Destiny Medina – Bass Clarinet – Red Band |
Antonio Rubio – Alto Saxophone – 1st Chair – Wind Ensemble |
Julian Gomez – Alto Saxophone – Blue Band |
Samara Medina – Tenor Saxophone – Wind Ensemble |
Julietta Esqueda – Tenor Saxophone – Blue Band |
Kalista Ocana – Trumpet – Wind Ensemble |
Jacob Gomez – Trumpet – Wind Ensemble |
Matthew Dunlap – Trumpet – Blue Band |
Martin Doria – Trumpet – Blue Band |
Elijah Pizana – Trumpet – Blue Band |
Hannah Encinia – F Horn – Wind Ensemble |
Jesse Siegford – F Horn – Red Band |
Michael Edwards – Trombone – Red Band |
Austin Dominguez – Percussion – Wind Ensemble |
Arabella Garza – Percussion – Blue Band |
Edward Sanchez – Percussion – Red Band |
Daniel Lopez – Percussion – Blue Band |
Catalina Gamez – Percussion – Red Band |
High School Students: |
Abaigeal Tovar – Oboe – Red Band |
Zenaida Lara – Clarinet – AREA – Blue Band |
Lilibeth Barra – Clarinet – Red Band |
Sabrina Childress – Bass Clarinet – AREA – Red Band |
Joey Aguirre – Alto Saxophone – AREA – Red Band |
Landon Garza – Trumpet – AREA – Wind Ensemble |
Jennifer Garcia – Trumpet – Red Band |
Brandon Morin – Trombone – AREA – Wind Ensemble |
Ethan Sanchez – Trombone – AREA – Red Band |
Alexis Garcia – Trombone – AREA – Red Band |
Natalie Stanley – Tuba – AREA – Wind Ensemble |
Lesley Barra – Tuba – Blue Band |
Ethan Tracy – Tuba – Blue Band |
John Pizana – Percussion – AREA – Wind Ensemble |
Christina Montoya – Percussion – Blue Band |
Upcoming Concerts/Rehearsals:
The next week on Thursday, December 14th we will hold our first concert in the new Odem HS Cafetorium! We are excited to present this opening concert on the new stage. The JH Bands will begin at 6:30pm, and the HS Band will perform at 7:30pm. We invite you to come join us for this special event!
The day before there will be a dress rehearsal for the Beginning Band on stage at the HS from 3:50pm-5:30pm. This is our only opportunity to bring all of the beginning band classes together to rehearse. We are meeting with them at the HS to be able to walk them through the procedures at the new building. Please plan to pick your student up in front of the high school promptly at 5:30pm.
For the concert on the 14th Students will have the following Call Times to be at the HS.
5:45pm: Beginning Band on Stage
6:00pm: JH Concert Band in HS Band Hall
6:15pm: JH Symphonic Winds at HS Band Hall
6:30pm: JH Concert Begins
6:50pm: HS Students at Band Hall
7:30pm: HS Concert Begins
The following week the Screeching Owl Jazz Band will perform on Tuesday, December 19th at 7pm. They will have a dress rehearsal/sound check on Monday after school.
Odem Band Hall Schedule:
Monday: Band Hall Open until 4:30pm
Tuesday: Band Hall Open until 4:30pm
Wednesday: Band Hall Open until 4:30pm
Thursday: Band Hall Open until 4:30pm
Friday: All-Region Clinic – Departure times 2pm HS, after school for JH.
Return around 9:30pm
Saturday: All-Region Clinic/Concert
Depart 7:15am
Bus return around 8pm. (We would prefer students be picked up by parents from concert!)
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!