Odem Bands Schedule: Week of 12/12/2016
I hope this message finds you well as we enter our final week before the Christmas Break! There is just one main event for us this week, and that is The Screeching Owl Jazz Band’s 8th Annual Evening of Jazz at the Cafetorium on Tuesday at 7pm. As is our tradition desserts will be available, and we look forward to performing many of your favorite Christmas charts and traditional swing charts!
Wednesday after school we ask that all students take their instruments home for the Holiday Break so they may practice and have them stored safely at home. Students will not need their instruments at school on the Half-Day on Thursday.
Thank you to all of you who attended the concert last week. In the ten years I’ve been here I think that was definitely one of the best attended concerts that we’ve had! The All-Region Band concerts this weekend were also a great showcase of many of our students. Congratulations again to those students!
Odem Band Hall Schedule
Monday: Jazz Band Soundcheck after school until 5pm
Tuesday: Screeching Owl Jazz Band’s 8th Annual Winter Evening of Jazz
Wednesday: Band Hall Open until 4:30pm – All instruments picked up for break
Thursday: Early Release day
I hope you and your families have a safe and Happy Christmas Break!