Odem Bands Schedule Week of 12/7/2015
Last night I sent out the great news about our All-Region Band Members at the JH and HS level. I would like to say congratulations once again to those members! The students that made All-Region Band for the junior high will have pictures tomorrow in class. Any High School Band Members who did not have their pictures taken last week will have a chance to do so tomorrow in class.
This week we have the All-Region Clinic/Concert that will be held in Kingsville. You may see the schedule for that event below. We need a few parents to help accompany the students if possible. I know that this will be an amazing opportunity for these students to perform with the best students in our Region! Please understand for those students that earned the spot it is required that they participate this weekend. We would prefer all students be picked up by their parents who should come see their amazing performances! There will be souvenir plaques and t-shirts available at that time!
We will have a rehearsal for our Carnegie Hall performance on Thursday from 6:30pm-8:30pm for those students that are going on the trip. It is imperative that the students that are attending this trip be at these rehearsals. I am planning Thursday evening rehearsals for the group through the spring this year. Please also note that we need every student to be current on payments. We have a bill due sometime in the next week or so for our airfare deposit. If you have not made a December payment we need you to do so.
Finally please remember that our Winter Concert will be the next week on December 17th for the JH and HS bands. The JH concert starts at 6:30pm and the HS concert will begin at 7:45pm. Concert dress requirements for both levels are:
Ladies – Black Blouse/Black Slacks/Black dress shoes (NO SKIRTS OR DRESSES!)
Gentlemen – White Button Down Shirt/Tie(Solid Navy Preferred)/Black Slacks/Black Socks/Black Dress Shoes. Absolutely no jeans!
Ladies – Black Blouse/Black Slacks/Black dress shoes (NO SKIRTS OR DRESSES!)
Gentlemen – Black Long Sleeve Button Down Shirt/Black Slacks/Black Dress Shoes/Black Socks – Absolutely no jeans!
If you have any trouble finding or purchasing the clothes please contact myself or Mr. Williams and we will attempt to help out those students.
Schedule for Week:
Monday: Picture Makeups for HS and JH Region Member Pictures
Tuesday: Band Hall Open until 5pm for practicing
Flute Choir Rehearsal 3:45pm – 4:30pm (New Ensemble forming for 7th-12th Grade)
Wednesday: Band Hall Open until 4:30pm for practicing
Thursday: Carnegie Hall Rehearsal 6:30pm-8:30pm
Friday: All-Region Clinic/Concert
8th Period: Students Released from Classes
3:30pm – Depart School
4:30pm – Arrive at TAMUK (HS) and Memorial MS (MS)
5:00pm – Seating of Bands
5:30pm – Rehearsal Begins
8:30pm – Leave Kingsville to Return Home
9:30pm – Return to Odem Band Hall
Saturday: All-Region Clinic/Concert
7:30am – Depart School
8:30am – Arrive at TAMUK (HS) and Memorial MS (MS)
9:00am – Rehearsal Begins
11:30am-1:00pm – Lunch (Provided)
1:00pm-3:00pm – Final Rehearsal
4:30pm – Concert Begins at TAMUK Jones Auditorium (Students wear Odem Concert Clothes)
7:30pm – Dinner stop (students bring money please)
~9:00pm – Arrive back at Band Hall
Again we would prefer all students be picked up by their parents following the Region Band Performances. This is a major performance opportunity for them and I know they would all love to know you are there watching and supporting them! You may then take your student home following the performance. It would be my preference that an empty bus return to Odem!
Thank you for all of your help and support of these amazing students! Have a great week!
Mr. Steven Rash
Director of Bands
Odem High School