Odem Bands Schedule – Week of 2/12/2024

I chose to delay sending this email yesterday so I could have the schedule for Thursday’s Solo and Ensemble Contest in hand. Students who are participating in Solo and Ensemble for both the JH and HS events should make sure they have clothes to change into before we leave that are appropriate. Concert Black clothes work, or they may wear nice slacks/button down shirts, dresses, skirts, etc. All clothing needs to be school appropriate. Any skirts or dresses should be of an appropriate length. Ensembles may wish to coordinate with each other to match. Absolutely no jeans, shorts, athletic pants, etc. should be worn to this event!

We will be departing from the school about 1:45pm and returning at approximately 7:30pm. Solo and Ensemble schedules often are in flux as we work around conflicts and rooms may delay or run ahead of schedule. You are more than welcome/encouraged to come see your students performance! If you do come, I recommend arriving at least 30 minutes before the performance time to ensure you can find the room and to anticipate any schedules moving ahead of times. You may find our draft schedule here: (http://tinyurl.com/vbs8esta)

Friday and Saturday for the Region Jazz Clinic/Concert we will depart the school at 4pm, and return around 8:30pm from that rehearsal. On Saturday we will depart at 8am and hopefully all students are picked up from the concert which begins at 5pm.

Tuesday evening we will have our monthly Band Booster Meeting. We are needing to replace most of our officers for this coming year. Please consider coming to join the group so we may maintain one of the most important pillars of our program!

Next, Windi and Jazzi tickets are on sale for the May 4th event! You may purchase tickets at http://odemhsband.ludus.com for $15-$25. If you’re new to the event, this is a pops concert/dinner/silent auction we put on each year. It’s probably the most fun concert of the year, and we hope you’ll consider joining us! We’ll be sending out information about what students need to bring to help fill auction baskets in the next couple of weeks.

Last Monday I passed out updated balance amounts for students traveling to Cleveland. We need students caught up on payments this month please! All payments need to be completed by the first week of April for the trip! As we close in on the trip it is imperative we have payments in so the travel company can make payments for items as they come up. 

Finally, Spring Band fees should be turned in by this time for 7th-12th Grade students. Please turn those in as soon as possible! Fees are $25/Student payable via Check or Money Order. They help to offset many of the costs in the spring with clinicians, supplies, music, etc. Please make payment out to OEISD, Memo: Band, no later than Monday, January 22nd. (extended to next week due to early release on Friday) Please contact us if you have any questions!

This Week’s Schedule:

Monday:No School
Tuesday:Band Hall Open until 6pm
Band Booster Meeting at 7pm
Wednesday:Band Hall Open until 5pm
Thursday:UIL Region Solo and Ensemble Contest
Friday:Band Hall Closed

Upcoming Events:

ThursdayUIL Region Solo and Ensemble ContestTBA
Friday/SaturdayRegion Jazz Clinic/Concert 
March 25thOdem JH Pre-UIL Contest Concert6:30pm
March 26thOdem HS Pre-UIL Contest Concert6:30pm
April 4th-5thUIL Concert and Sight-ReadingTBA
April 26th11th Annual South Coast Jazz Festival 
May 4thWindi and Jazzi Fundraiser 
May 10thAmerican Classics Festival: Odem HS Wind Ensemble and Odem JH Symphonic Winds at Del Mar College2pm/3pm
May 13thOdem JH Symphonic Winds and HS Spring Concert 
May 14thOdem JH Beginning Band and Concert Band Spring Concert 
May 24thGraduation 
May 26th-27thUIL State Solo and Ensemble 
June 3rdCleveland Send-Off Performance 
June 4th-8thCleveland Trip 

Thank you for your help and support of these amazing students! Please contact us if you have any questions!