Odem Bands Schedule – Week of 2/18/2019
We would like to begin this week’s information by congratulating Zenaida Lara for an outstanding performance with the All-State Band this past weekend! Wednesday she participated in chair auditions and placed 10th out of the 25 best clarinets in the state. Congrats again!
Mr. Williams is still accepting Mixed Bags Fundraiser orders through Tuesday. Please help us make sure all of those orders are turned in by then!
Second Annual Windi and Jazzi Fundraiser:
We will be following up last years dinner/concert fundraiser with our second annual Windi and Jazzi on Saturday, April 13th. High School students will perform a variety of music, and our theme will be ‘Night at the Movies’ this year. Information about section baskets for the silent auction will be coming out later this week. I would like to go ahead and let you know that the online ticket system for tickets is up and running. Tickets are $15 for the long tables, $20 for the round tables in the middle, and $25 for the tall tables in the back of the Cafetorium. The ticket includes dinner of Chicken Fried Steak or Chicken Fried Chicken, sides, and dessert, along with some great performances by our students!
We will be sending home forms with students later this week to sell tickets too, but we invite you to use the online system since you can pick your specific seats out! We are also seeking donations from companies for the silent auction if you have a business that might be able to donate something for the auction!
Online Tickets Here: https://odemhsband.ludus.com/
This Week’s Band Hall Schedule:
Monday: Student Holiday
Tuesday: OJH Jazz Rehearsal 3:45pm-5pm
OHS Band Hall Open until 4pm
Wednesday: Band Hall Open until 4:30pm
Thursday: Band Hall Open until 4:30pm
Friday: Band Hall Closes at 4:10pm