Odem Bands Schedule – Week of 2/3/2020
This is set to be a busy week for the Odem Bands with our 3rd Annual Solo and Ensemble Recital Tuesday at 6pm, and the UIL Region Solo and Ensemble on Thursday in Robstown at Seale Junior High. Please see the Solo and Ensemble section below for information on performance times and spectator information.
Not this week, but next week on Tuesday, February 11th at 7pm we will be having a meeting with band parents about our mattress fundraiser as part of our monthly Owl Band Booster Meeting. We need every parent to attend, as the fundraiser company is offering a donation of $5 for every parent that attends to the band program. Please help us take advantage of a very easy fundraiser for the program! This includes both OHS and OJH Band Parents! The mattress fundraiser is just 5 weeks away on Saturday, March 7th and they will be giving us information, handing out yard signs, and helping us to make this fundraiser as successful as possible! Please see the Mattress Fundraiser section below for more more information.
Finally please note that the Pre-UIL Concert has been moved to Tuesday, February 25th to avoid another conflict. It is imperative that we have students there so that we get our best feedback from the judges we’ll be bringing in.
UIL Region Solo and Ensemble:
Thursday the UIL Region Solo and Ensemble contest will take place for our students at Seale Junior High in Robstown. Students will depart from the school at about 1:30pm. There will be a snack bar available with food/snacks for students that they should bring money for. As with all UIL events this is a public event and parents/family may attend to see their students performances. We will be sending out a schedule soon of specific times, but they will perform between 2:40pm and 7pm. Students may be picked up and signed out from the event, otherwise we should return before 8pm.
JH students are competing for medals for Superior Ratings, and HS Students are competing for Medals and a chance to advance to the UIL State Solo and Ensemble Contest.
HS Students and the volunteers from OJH will perform in a recital Tuesday at 6pm in the HS Cafetorium. Please come join us for a chance to hear what these students have been working at so hard on their own!
Mattress Fundraiser Details:
Our Mattress Fundraiser for the Odem High School Band is 5 weeks away, on Saturday, March 7th! We need everyone to help us promote the event! The success of this relies entirely on us inviting people to the sale that are in need of a new mattress! If you haven’t already please complete these steps!
1. Please JOIN our Facebook event and INVITE your friends!!!! http://bit.ly/OdemBand2020.
2. Join our Texting Campaign: Text: bed 4Odem to: 797979
3. Text a copy of the attached flyer to all your friends and family with following message: http://www.odembands.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Odem-Email-Flyer.pdf
“Odem High School Band needs your help. Mattress Sale March 7th. Great beds, better prices. If you need a mattress, call me and I will explain the details.”
4. Share the attached flyer via email / social media.
Again we will be having a parent Meeting next Tuesday, February 11th. The company is donating $5 to the band for every parent that attends!!!! Please come join us!
Windi and Jazzi Fundraiser:
Our 3rd Annual Windi and Jazzi Fundraiser will be held on Friday, April 3rd. This year’s theme will be “Heroes” for the event. We have once again setup online ticket orders – you can order tickets here at http://odemhsband.ludus.com. There you can pick your seats out and pay easily. We will provide ticket order forms to students in March, or you may also visit the band hall to purchase them. Please help us sell this event out! (Tickets should be paid for via check/money order made out to Owl Band Boosters if paid for at band hall) Tickets are $15 for the longer outside tables, $20 for the middle circular tables, or $25 for the Back tables with chairs. (If you would like the $25 seats I recommend ordering online soon as there are only 14 more!)
Dinner is going to be Fried Fish or Chicken with sides and dessert provided.
We will need basket items for the silent auction that will be held at Windi and Jazzi. The Boosters are also seeking donations of restaurant gift cards and other items to also include and bundle in the silent auction. If you can help with obtaining these donations please contact Mrs. Mandi Edwards. We will provide the students themes for baskets in the next couple of weeks.
Windi and Jazzi is a great event that has grown each year. Please help support this event with a great meal and great music!
Preliminary Summer Band Dates:
We are in the process of verifying camp dates and the 2020-2021 school calendar, but wish to provide a pretty firm list of dates for the summer for families to begin planning their vacation plans around.
June 14th-18th – Texas A&M University Guard/Drum Major/Leadership Camp
July 16th-17th – Leadership Camp dates? (Tentative based on summer clinic)
July 18th – Students to DCI Contest in Calallen
July 20th-22nd – Drumline Camp/Guard Rehearsals
July 27th – Marching Band Camp Begins
July 31st – March-A-Thon
This Week’s Odem Band Hall Schedule:
Monday: Band Hall Open until 4:30pm
Tuesday: 7pm 3rd Annual Odem Solo and Ensemble Recital
Wednesday: Band Hall Open until 5pm for Solo and Ensemble Practice
Thursday: UIL Region Solo and Ensemble at Seale JH
1:30pm – Depart Band Halls
2:40pm – First Performance
~7:45pm – Return to Odem
Friday: Band Hall closed at 4:00pm
Upcoming Events:
Tuesday: 3rd Annual Odem Solo and Ensemble Recital
Thursday: UIL Region Solo and Ensemble Contest – Robstown
Tuesday, February 25th: Pre-UIL Contest Concert (OFFICIAL CHANGE)
Thursday, March 5th: OHS Wind Ensemble and OJH Symphonic Winds UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Evaluation – Goliad
March 7th: Mattress Fundraiser
April 1st/2nd: OJH Concert Band and OHS Symphonic Band UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Evaluation – San Diego
April 3rd: 3rd Annual Windi and Jazzi Dinner Fundraiser
You can find the 2019-2020 Odem Bands Calendar here. (http://www.odembands.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/2019-2020-Odem-Bands-Calendar-Version-1.1.pdf)
As always thank you for your help and support of these amazing students!