Odem Bands Schedule – Week of 2/3/2025
This week will be light for the band program, with no planned evening rehearsals, and Region Jazz for our one member. We encourage students to practice for solo and ensemble this week, and we will have open times in the band hall most days after school to facilitate that. This week, Spring Band Fees are due at both the High School for all band students and at the JH for 7th/8th Grade Band Students. This fee helps offset expenses in the spring for the program and is $25/student. Checks/Money Orders should be made payable to OEISD – no cash please! These fees should be paid by Thursday, February 6th.
For all trip participants for 2026, please ensure you have registered on the Bob Rogers Travel site. Current 8th-11th Grade Band Students are eligible to travel on this. I show we are currently just two travelers short of making the next price breakpoint that will drop the trip cost by about $200. If you have considered signing up but haven’t, please do so now! In two weeks, we will make a payment from the boosters to lower the trip cost for every registered/deposited student from the boosters.
If you missed the meeting, you may find a copy of the packet here: https://tinyurl.com/msrnkua6 . Registration is still open on their site: https://bobrogerstravel.grcoll.co/v2/go/odem26
Payment options and forms are handled through their website there. I encourage students to attend this trip; it will be an amazing experience for them, and it is only really possible for most of them as a group like this!
This Week’s Schedule
Day: | Event: |
Monday: | Band Hall Closed |
Tuesday: | Band Hall Open until 4:30 pm |
Wednesday: | Band Hall Open until 4:30 pm |
Thursday: | Band Hall Open until 4:30 pm |
Friday: | No School for Students – HS Solos/Ensembles Welcome to Practice between 8am-3All-Region Jazz Clinic Day 1 (Robstown) |
Saturday: | All-Region Jazz Clinic/Concert (Concert at 4pm) |
Upcoming Events:
Day: | Event: | Time: |
Friday/Saturday | All-Region Jazz Clinic/Concert | |
February 12th-15th | All-State Band/TMEA State Convention Eva Garcia performs with the ATSSB Concert Band Saturday morning at 9am Lila Cockrell Theater – Free admission | |
February 20th: | Solo and Ensemble Recital | |
February 27th: | UIL Region Solo and Ensemble Contest | |
March 24th: | Odem HS Pre-UIL Concert | 6:30 pm |
March 25th: | Odem JH Pre-UIL Concert | 6:30 pm |
April 1st-2nd: | UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Evaluation at Tuloso-Midway HS | |
May 2nd: | South Coast Jazz Festival | |
May 3rd: | Windi and Jazzi “Magical Adventures” | 5:30 pm |
Thank you for your help and support of these amazing students! Please contact us if you have any questions!