Odem Bands Schedule – Week of 3/4/2019
This past weekend nine students from the Odem HS Band participated in the Texas A&M University Corpus Christi South Texas Honor Band. Those students had a fantastic performance on Saturday and we congratulate them on their performance! I would also like to take a moment and congratulate Senior Saxophonist Joey Aguirre on his successful audition and acceptance into the TAMUK Music Department for next year!
We will have an Owl Band Booster Meeting on Wednesday at 7pm in the OHS Band Hall. We need to have votes, and prepare for our big Windi and Jazzi Fundraiser next month. For votes we need a quorum of members to do so. Please come join us and help us support these amazing students! Membership of the Boosters is Grades 6th-12th for the band program as a whole. Please consider joining us especially if your student is in junior high! The boosters do not just support the HS Band!
It’s hard to believe, but we are already at the week leading up to Spring Break! JH Band Students will have benchmark testing at OJH on Tuesday and Thursday. Those students should make sure that they take their instruments home on Wednesday and keep them there until we return from Spring Break.
For all students in both the junior high and the high school it is imperative that they practice some over the Spring Break holiday. We will have our Pre-UIL Contest Concert with the 7th-12th Grade Bands on that Thursday, March 21st. We will begin with the OHS Screeching Owl Jazz Band at 6:30pm, the OHS Symphonic Band at 6:45pm, the OJH Concert Band at 7:00pm, the OJH Symphonic Winds at 7:15pm, and the OHS Wind Ensemble at 7:30pm. Call times will be given the week of the concert. Please make sure that students have concert clothes that still fit as some students may have grown over the months since the Winter Concert! This is a mandatory graded performance for all students in those groups!
Thursday after school we will have a quick meeting with any interested 8th-11th Grade students who wish to join the Spirit of OHS Colorguard at the OHS Band Hall. We will begin practices with those students on Tuesdays and Thursdays after spring break.
The Screeching Owl Jazz Band is set to perform at the Texas A&M University Kingsville Jazz Festival on Friday, March 22nd at 3:10pm at Jones Auditorium. Admission to our performance is Free and we hope that maybe some of you will be able to join us! We will return when we can get a bus to return to pick us up around 7pm. Students will need to bring money for dinner that evening. We will return on Saturday to watch the TAMUK Jazz Bands and their guest artist Drummer Bernie Dresel. Awards are announced that evening at that concert.
Upcoming Events:
Thursday, March 21st: Pre-UIL Contest Concert – 6:30pm – OHS Cafetorium
Friday, March 22nd: TAMUK Jazz Fest Performance 3:10pm at TAMUK Jones Auditorium
Friday, March 23rd: TAMUK Jazz Fest Day 2
Friday, April 12th: OHS After School Rehearsal for Windi and Jazzi
Saturday, April 13th: Windi and Jazzi (Tickets Available Here) (OHS Morning/Afternoon Rehearsal)
April 17th-18th: UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Contest
Thursday, April 25th: Robstown Concert Festival
Friday, April 26th: South Coast Jazz Festival – Beeville
Saturday, April 27th: All-Region Jazz Clinic/Concert (JH and HS) Beeville
Wednesday, May 1st: OJH Beginning Band Dress Rehearsal After School
Thursday, May 2nd: OHS and OJH Symphonic Winds Spring Concert
Friday, May 3rd: Color Guard and Drum Major Tryouts (Tentative)
Monday, May 6th: OJH Concert Band and Beginning Band Spring Concert
Saturday, May 11th: OHS Wind Ensemble at Texas Music Festivals Contest at CT Johnson HS in San Antonio
Monday, May 13th: 10th Annual Spring Evening of Jazz & Alumni Band
Friday, May 24th: Graduation (OHS Band and OJH Symphonic Winds)
June 2nd-June 3rd: UIL State Solo and Ensemble Contest (Pflugerville)
June 16th-20th: Color Guard and Drum Major Camp (Tentative)
This Week’s Band Hall Schedule
Monday: OHS Band Hall Closed After School
Tuesday: OHS Band Hall Closed After School
OJH Jazz Rehearsal After School 3:45pm-4:45pm
Wednesday: Band Hall Open until 4:30pm
OJH Students take instruments home for Spring Break
Owl Band Booster Meeting at 7pm
Thursday: Band Hall Open until 4:30pm
Friday: Band Hall Open until 3:45pm
We hope you all have a happy and safe Spring Break after this week! Thanks for all of your help and support of these amazing students!