Odem Bands Schedule Week of 2/5/2018 – Solo and Ensemble
This week will be a busy one for us for the Odem Bands. First I would like to remind everyone that we have a fundraiser currently running for both the Odem JH Bands and the Odem HS Bands. The Odem JH Bands are selling their Mixed Bags Catalog sales and the Odem HS students are selling bedding from ‘Simply Sheets.’ Both have online sales available and I encourage you to please share these links on Facebook, Twitter, and anywhere else you can think of!
Odem HS Bands: www.simplysheets.net/order-online
Odem JH Bands: http://www.mixedbagdesigns.com/landing-page?fundraiserid=578587
1st Annual Solo and Ensemble Recital
Tuesday evening we will have our first ever Solo and Ensemble recital. Many of the students who will be competing Thursday at the UIL Solo and Ensemble contest will be performing their pieces for their parents, community, and friends. The event begins at 7pm in the Odem HS Cafetorium. Performers should arrive at the Odem HS Band Hall by 6:15pm.
UIL Solo and Ensemble
Thursday after school we will depart for UIL Solo and Ensemble at Robstown’s Seale Junior High. Students should either bring food, or bring money for dinner/snack at the snack bar the Robstown Band Boosters will be running. We will depart with both JH and HS students at 4:30pm, and hope to be able to send the JH students back after their events conclude at around 7:30pm. In order for us to do that we need a parent volunteer to accompany them back. Unfortunately Mr. Williams is needed to accompany students until the end of the contest so he cannot go back early. If we do not have a volunteer the students will need to stay until we conclude the contest around 10pm when we bring the high school students back.
Students should dress nice for this contest and the recital, as the judge is looking at the student performers. If a skirt or dress is worn by ladies we ask that they be knee length or longer. Tops should not be sleeveless for ladies. Gentlemen should wear slacks or khakis – no jeans! Button down shirts are appropriate for gentlemen for this event. Students may wear their normal concert black attire if they wish. Please help us make sure that all clothing is considered school appropriate.
Parents are more than welcome to attend their students performance at the contest. I will post a list of estimated performance times by Wednesday on the Facebook page and the OdemBands website.
Odem Band Hall Schedule
Monday: Open until 5pm for Practice (HS students that need our other accompanist should meet with her in their 8th period Applied Music Class or after school)
Tuesday: Open until 4:30pm for practice
1st Annual Solo and Ensemble Recital 7pm in Odem HS Cafetorium
Wednesday: Open until 5pm for practice
Thursday: Depart at 4:30pm for Robstown to the UIL Region Solo and Ensemble Contest
Friday: Fundraisers Due by end of classes!
Open until 4pm for instrument pickup
As always please contact us with any questions or concerns!