Odem Bands Schedule Week of 2/20/2017
I hope this message finds you well! I would like to begin today’s e-mail by congratulating the students who participated in the Region UIL Solo and Ensemble contest this past week. Odem JH had 18 medals earned and Odem HS had 16 medals, along with a quartet that is advancing to the State Solo and Ensemble Contest that will be held on Memorial Day. I will give those students more details as we receive them.
The JH students that earned Superior Ratings/Medals were: Isabella Duncan, Kayleen Fiegel, Krista Beltran, Scott Cantu, Austin Dominguez, Catalina Gamez, Matthew Hernandez, Terra McClellen, Torri McClellen, Allison Ortiz, Edward Sanchez, Madison Vela, Ethan Sanchez, Landon Garza, Nevaeh Martinez, & Jacob Luna. The HS students were: Alex Rubio, Breanna Sanchez, Abaigeal Tovar, Larissa Nevarez, Christina Montoya, Justin Ridgway, Noah Villarreal, Eliana Villarreal, Brandon Morin, Alexis Garcia, Natalie Stanley, & Ethan Tracy. Lesley Barra, Alexis Garcia, Brandon Morin, and Natalie Stanley advance to the State UIL Solo and Ensemble Contest with their Tuba/Euphonium Quartet.
Congratulations again to these students!
Spring Band Fees
Shortly before this e-mail was sent I e-mailed out invoices with Spring Band Fees/Trip Balances attached. Please ensure we receive Spring Band Fees by March 3rd. That amount is $50/student in Grades 7-12, but is discounted for families with multiple students in the program per the handbook. Please contact me for that information if that is applicable. It may also be found on the handbooks on www.odembands.org. All students whose families qualified for the waiver based on volunteering in the concession stand should have been marked as such in the system. If you believe we are in error and missed a student please contact me.
April 8th Dinner/Past Marching Band Film Night
When I arrived in Odem as I explored old cabinets and spots around the Band Hall I was intrigued to find footage of The Spirit of OHS from the 1970s and slightly before on 16mm Film Reels. No one around the district had retained a projector to view them with, so they were a hidden mystery. This past summer/fall I acquired a 16mm projector in order to view these treasures. After viewing them I think this is something other members of our community would also love to see. We’re going to give the community the opportunity through a dinner/film viewing fundraiser in April. Tickets will presale for $15/person and we will sell any remaining tickets at the door for $20. Additionally that evening we plan to have a silent auction too. Dinner will be Spaghetti, Salad and Breadsticks (Salad/Breadsticks from Olive Garden), and dessert.
My hope is that this fundraiser will help us raise some funds to help replenish our booster account after they are providing the first years payment on a lease for new percussion instruments that we need with the band hall split next year. Please help us to make this a successful fundraiser! We will ask all high school students to see at least 2 tickets each. The years we believe we have of marching shows include; 1960s? 1970-1974, 1977, 1978, 1980, and about 4-5 more reels that are unlabeled. We have the possibility of obtaining some late 80’s/early90’s I believe too, in addition to 2007-Present. We are having the film digitized currently, so hopefully we’ll have a firmer idea of what we have once that has returned.
Band Hall Schedule This Week:
Monday: No School
Tuesday: Open until 4:30pm
Wednesday: Open until 4:30pm
Thursday: Open until 4:30pm
Friday: Open until 4pm for instrument pickup
As always please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!