Odem Bands Schedule Week of 3/19/2018
Welcome back from Spring Break! I hope everyone had a restful break and is ready for the sprint towards the end of the year! Tomorrow all students attending the trip will have room lists and other information that needs to be filled out.
Windi and Jazzi
We will be also sending home the forms for ticket sales for Windi and Jazzi tomorrow. Our goal for this event is to raise funds overall for the band program. The funds will be used for the new equipment, the marching band, and other needs we have through the fall. Students will need to be eligible at the end of this current 5th Six Weeks to perform as performances with a charge for admission are governed by No Pass/No Play.
I have included the form here that students will be receiving tomorrow to sell tickets if you wish to print one off and take it to work. We encourage everyone to use the website – http://odemhsband.ludus.com as much as possible since you can select the assigned seats. As we receive forms from students I will assign seats as ‘best available’ as the forms come in. We have approximately 240 seats to sell and we would like to sell out. Tickets vary in price from $20-$25 depending on seating choice. All attendees will be served Chicken Fried Chicken or Chicken Fried Steak
Tomorrow HS sections will select the themes for their silent auction baskets. JH students will be told their class basket themes Tuesday. Items should be brought in for those baskets no later than April 6th so that we have time to put those together. If you know of a business who would be able to donate, or if you can help put the event together please contact Mrs. Mandi Edwards via e-mail at mandiedwards@stfphc.org.
Owl Band Booster Meeting & Trip Payments
The Owl Band Boosters will have their monthly Band Booster Meeting on Thursday at 7pm. Please note we should have payments from all students trips up to $1100 by this time, and all of the trip should be paid off all of the $1,350 no later than April 3rd! We have no ability to extend that April 3rd date, so please be sure we have all trips paid off!
Screeching Owl Jazz Band at TAMUK Jazz Fest
The Screeching Owl Jazz Band will perform in the TAMUK Jazz Festival on Friday at 4:55pm. Students will leave Odem HS after band class that day. We encourage parents, alumni, and others to come to the free performance at TAMUK Jones Auditorium!
This Week’s Band Hall Schedule:
Monday: Band Hall Open until 4:30pm
Tuesday: Band Hall Open until 4:00pm
Wednesday: Band Hall Open until 4:30pm
Thursday: Band Hall Open until 4:30pm
Band Booster Meeting at 7pm (Officers at 6:30pm)
Friday: TAMUK Jazz Festival Performance 4:55pm