Odem Bands Schedule Week of 3/7/2016
The Odem Bands have had a great last couple of weeks. We would like to congratulate our nine students who participated in the Texas A&M University Corpus Christi Honor Band this past weekend. Breanna Luna, Lilibeth Barra, Sabrina Childress, Natalie Stanley, Ethan Tracy, Lesley Barra, Noah Villarreal, John Pizana, and Christina Montoya all had a fantastic performance Saturday evening after having participated in rehearsals, sectionals, and a master class run by the faculty there!
This week our first priority is students turning in any outstanding money and discount cards. While we have had $2,900 turned in, we have $3,860 outstanding of cards and money! Please speak with your student and be sure they have turned in their money or cards. What cards are unsold we will meet at a couple locations to sell them over Spring Break. It is imperative that we have this turned in by early this week as we have to pay for those cards before we break for Spring Break!
Monday night I would like to mention that there is a Corpus Christi Wind Symphony Concert at AC Jones High School in Beeville. The concert features several major works for band including Dimitri Shostakovich’s ‘Festive Overture.’ It would be a great performance for students to attend if you don’t mind the drive! Admission is Free and the concert begins at 7:30pm for the CCWS. AC Jones will precede their performance at 7pm with a Pre-UIL concert for their HS Band.
Thursday evening we will have our weekly Carnegie Hall Rehearsal. We have a few members who have not been attending these rehearsals, it is imperative that they do so. Those rehearsals are from 6:30pm-8:30pm. Please also note that families should be making their final payments for the trip by the end of this month.
Please remind your students that they need to be sure to take their instruments home to practice over break!
Monday: Band Hall Open until 4:00pm
Corpus Christi Wind Symphony Concert at AC Jones HS in Beeville 7:30pm Free!
Tuesday: Band Hall Open until 4:30pm
Wednesday: Band Hall Open until 4:30pm
Thursday: Carnegie Hall Rehearsal 6:30pm-8:30pm
Friday: All Students should take instruments home for Spring Break!
Thank you for your help and support!
Mr. Steven Rash
Director of Bands
Odem High School