Odem Bands Schedule – Week of 4/29/2019
Congratulations to the members of the Odem High School Screeching Owl Band who participated this past weekend at the South Coast Jazz Festival and in the All-Region jazz bands. Members of the OHS Wind Ensemble and OJH Symphonic Winds also had great performances at the Crossroads Concert Band Festival this past week in Robstown – it was a busy week but our students had some great performances!
This week is going to lead onto our final weeks of school rapidly wrapping up our performances and events. Please keep a close eye on the calendar I’ve listed at the bottom though, as we do still have quite a few events coming up!
Wednesday after school we will have the dress rehearsal for the OJH Beginning Band after school at the OJH Band Hall. This is our only time to practice with the full band together before their concert, and is a mandatory graded rehearsal. Their concert will be on Monday, May 6th with the OJH Concert Band.
Thursday this week we will have the Spring Concert for the Odem JH Symphonic Winds and the Odem HS Bands. The order of the concert will begin with the OJH Symphonic Winds, then the OHS Symphonic Band, OHS Wind Ensemble, OHS Full Band, and then we’ll conclude our concert by combining the OJH Symphonic Winds with the OHS Band for the final portion of the concert. This is a mandatory/graded event for all students in those groups.
OJH 7th/8th Grade Band Trip to Schlitterbahn:
The Odem JH 7th/8th Graders who were eligible for the 5th Six-Weeks, and do not have to attend Flex Days, will have their annual trip to Schlitterbahn on Wednesday, May 22nd. Please see this link for Mr. Williams letter about this event and more information. We would like 6 parents to accompany us on this trip this year. Please contact Mr. Williams if you are available! (williamsn@oeisd.org) You will need to complete the district background check if you have not already done so. The linked form needs a copy of the front and back of your drivers license to be processed. You may drop the forms off to Mr. Williams.
2019 OHS Summer Band Schedule:
Please see this link for the Summer Band Schedule for this coming year. I have included our Guard/Percussion dates below for a while now. The first day for everyone will be on July 22nd. We’ll rehearse Monday through Wednesday that week and then start up again the following week. Students must attend summer band in order to learn their music/spots on the field – it’s imperative that they attend the full schedule as listed. If for some reason you foresee a conflict please contact me as soon as possible so we can figure out how to best work with that.
We know that there may be occasional overlaps with sports/cheer practice schedules. We work with each student to figure out the best way to handle that. Generally they go to the sports practices and then then come straight to band practice. A large percentage of our band is involved in more than just band, and we will always figure out some way to make it work for those students! We believe in a small school that students have to do it all for Odem to be successful as a school!
Students who fail to attend Summer Band altogether will be removed from the class at the start of school. With this being a State Advancing year we need every student to be in attendance at all rehearsals!
Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, May 1st: OJH Beginning Band Dress Rehearsal After School
Thursday, May 2nd: OHS and OJH Symphonic Winds Spring Concert
Monday, May 6th: OJH Concert Band and Beginning Band Spring Concert
Friday, May 10th: Color Guard and Drum Major Tryouts
Saturday, May 11th: OHS Wind Ensemble at Texas Music Festivals Contest at CT Johnson HS in San Antonio
Sunday, May 12th: Alumni Jazz Band Rehearsal 2pm-5pm
Monday, May 13th: 10th Annual Spring Evening of Jazz & Alumni Band
Wednesday, May 22nd: OJH 7th/8th Grade Band Trip to Schlitterbahn
Friday, May 24th: Graduation (OHS Band and OJH Symphonic Winds)
June 2nd-June 3rd: UIL State Solo and Ensemble Contest (Pflugerville)
June 16th-20th: Color Guard and Drum Major Camp (Texas A&M University Commerce)
This Week’s Band Hall Schedule:
Monday: Band Hall Open until 4:30pm
Tuesday: Guard Practice at OHS Band Hall 3:45pm-5pm
Percussion Sectional for Marching Band 4pm-5:30pm – Jazz Room
OJH Jazz Practice 3:45pm-4:45pm – OJH Band Hall
Wednesday: Beginning Band Dress Rehearsal 3:45pm-5pm at OJH Band Hall
Thursday: OJH Symphonic Winds and Odem HS Bands Spring Concert – Begins at 6:30pm
5:45pm – Odem JH Symphonic Winds at OHS on Stage to warm-up
6:10pm – Odem HS Symphonic Band in Odem Band Hall to Warm-Up
6:45pm – Odem HS Wind Ensemble at Back Patio
Friday: Band Hall Open until 4:30pm
Please contact us with any questions or concerns you may have!