Odem Bands Schedule Week of 4/30/2018

Wow the year has flown by! I hope everyone is doing well as we enter our final week of concerts for most of our students. Please read below to find more details about the Spring Concert for OJH Symphonic Winds and OHS Bands, Beginning Band Dress Rehearsal, and OJH Beginning Band/Concert Band concert. Please be sure to follow through the information that applies to your student! All concerts are held in the OHS Cafetorium.


Odem Bands Spring Concert (OJH Symphonic Winds/OHS Bands):

The Odem JH Symphonic Winds and OHS Bands will have their Spring Concert tomorrow beginning at 6:30pm. This is a mandatory performance for all members of those ensembles! Please make sure that students are at OHS at the following times:

5:45pm – OJH Symphonic Winds on Stage

6:00pm – OHS Symphonic Band in Band Hall

6:20pm – OHS Wind Ensemble


All Odem HS Band Students should wear their Concert Black clothes (Black Slacks/Black Button Down Shirt or Blouse/Dress Shoes). OJH Ladies wear Black Blouse/Slacks/Shoes, OJH Gentlemen wear White Button Down Shirt/Black Slacks/Tie/Black dress shoes.


OJH Beginning Band Dress Rehearsal:

The OJH Beginning Band will have their Dress Rehearsal on Wednesday at OHS. The rehearsal will run from after school until 5:30pm. Students should be picked up in front of OHS at the end of it. Please contact Mr. Williams with any questions.


OJH Beginning Band and OJH Concert Band Spring Concert:

The OJH Beginning Band and OJH Concert Band Spring Concert will be Thursday at 6:30pm. The concert will begin with Beginning Band and be followed with the OJH Concert Band. Beginning Band Students must stay for the Concert Band concert and will save seats for them accordingly.

Concert attire for the groups: OJH Ladies wear Black Blouse/Slacks/Shoes, OJH Gentlemen wear White Button Down Shirt/Black Slacks/Tie/Black dress shoes.  Following the concert we will need the students to assist us for about ten to fifteen minutes with clearing the stage for the next days events. Please contact us with any additional questions.


Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns!