Odem Bands Schedule – Week of 4/9/2018
This week will be the lightest week for us this month with no performances. We will however be getting prepared for Windi and Jazzi the following weekend. Please read the following information for what events will be this week and the following week.
Color Guard, Leadership, and Drum Major Meetings:
Leadership will meet from 3:50pm-4:50pm on Tuesday and Wednesday. Guard will practice on those two days from 5pm-6pm. Drum Majors will practice from 4:50pm-5:30pm on those two days. Tryouts for Drum Majors and Color Guard are set for May 4th after school at the HS.
Windi and Jazzi Tickets and Auction Items:
We still need basket items for Windi and Jazzi. If your student didn’t bring something last week please send something this week by Wednesday if possible.
At this time we are going to cap our ticket sales at 150 seats total due to our prepaid contract with the caterer. As of now 50 tickets have been pre-sold, so 100 remain. I encourage you to order your tickets soon at http://odemhsband.ludus.com. There you can pick your seats out and pay easily. I’ve been quite impressed with how easy the system has worked for those who have used it. You may also purchase tickets through Mr. Rash in the Band Hall. Please help us sell this event out!
Reminder the silent auction themes are:
Flutes – Beach/Pool Themed, Oboe – Camping, Clarinets – Cooking Stuff, Saxophones – Star Wars, Trumpets/Horn – ‘Treat Yo Self’ (Relaxing stuff, blankets, and snacks), Trombones/Euphonium – Barking Goods (Initially a typo, but barking goods is what they are doing), Tubas – Comedy Movies, Percussion – Movies.
The 8th Grade Band Members theme is camping, and the 7th Grade Band Members theme is BBQ.
Florida Trip Update:
Thank you to everyone for making your final payments for our trip to Florida on time. We have paid our travel company in full at this time. There are a few other expenses that our account will go for, but the biggest expenses are now pre-paid for the trip. Please remember we will have a mandatory meeting for all trip participants and a parent on Tuesday, May 15th at 7pm.
8th Annual South Coast Jazz Festival
Eight years ago we began a joint event with the Goliad HS Jazz Band that has developed into a traveling jazz festival for small schools. This year the festival returns to Odem on April 27th, and we are excited to host it! We’re excited to announce that we have five high schools besides Odem that will perform this year. Additionally we plan to have a directors jazz group perform a few pieces following the students performance. A full schedule of bands and more information should be available this week. If you believe you might be able to volunteer to help us with this event please contact Mr. Rash!
Odem JH Bands Trip to Schlitterbahn:
On May 21st, eligible 7th/8th Grade students from the Odem JH Band will take their annual trip to Schlitterbahn in New Braunfels. The cost per student will be $60, which will cover transportation, ticket to the park, and dinner after we leave. To be eligible to attend this trip students must have performed at UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Contest, and not be attending the mandatory flex days. Please contact Mr. Williams with any questions you have in regards to this trip. Trip payments should be made via check or money order to OEISD.
End of Year Events:
April 20th: Odem HS Bands rehearsal with Dr. Ciepluch
4pm-6pm: HS Full Band
7pm-8:30pm: HS Wind Ensemble
April 21st: Windi and Jazzi
9:00am-11:30am: HS Wind Ensemble
April 25th: Odem JH Symphonic Winds and Odem HS Joint Rehearsal After School until 5:30pm (Necessary for Spring Concert the following Monday)
April 26th: Robstown Concert Band Festival – Odem JH Symphonic Winds 12:30pm and Odem HS Wind Ensemble 1:30pm
April 27th: 8th Annual South Coast Jazz Festival – Hosted in Odem this year
April 28th: All-Region Jazz Band Clinic/Concert – Goliad
April 30th: Odem Bands Spring Concert at 6:30pm (Odem JH Symphonic Winds, Odem HS Symphonic Band, Odem HS Wind Ensemble, Full Band, and combined bands)
May 3rd: OJH Beginning Band and OJH Concert Band Spring Concert 6:30pm
May 7th: Mandatory Final Trip Meeting
May 14th: Screeching Owl Jazz Band Spring Evening of Jazz
This Weeks Odem Bands Schedule:
Monday: Band Hall Open until 4:00pm
Tuesday: Leadership Meeting 3:50pm-4:50pm (HS Band Hall)
Guard Practice 5:00pm-6:00pm (OJH Band Hall)
Drum Major Practice 4:50pm-5:30pm (HS Band Hall)
Wednesday: Leadership Meeting 3:50pm-4:50pm (HS Band Hall)
Guard Practice 5:00pm-6:00pm (OJH Band Hall)
Drum Major Practice 4:50pm-5:30pm (HS Band Hall)
Thursday: Band Hall Open until 4:30pm
Friday: Band Hall Open until 4:00pm
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns!