Odem Bands Schedule Week of 4/11/2016
This week is going to be the last week before our Concert and Sight-Reading Contests next week. There are not many events going on this week, but we do have our extended band hall hours most of the days this week. We’ll be making some adjustments this week in the bands for any students that are ineligible as of the report cards that come out this week.
With that in mind we also would like to ask that you be sure that any students who are absent bring in notes to excuse them from those with the office. Remember that any student with 3 or more unexcused absences in a six-week period becomes ineligible. This week marks the grace period which is the last chance we have for those students to turn in excuse notes before losing eligibility at the end of the day Friday!
Carnegie Hall
For any students/parents that were not in attendance at the meeting on Saturday please be sure you setup an appointment with me individually this week. We will need about a half-hour to an hour to go over the trip details and expectations. If you did not turn in the forms and were in attendance at the meeting please do so by Wednesday. All students who are not at the track meet Thursday should be at the rehearsal Thursday night, this is imperative for us to prepare for our performance!
UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Contest
Our contest times have still not been fully confirmed, but it looks fairly certain the schedule will be as follows:
Wednesday, April 20th
Odem High School Symphonic Band: 9:45am
Odem Junior High Symphonic Winds: 4:00pm
Note: We’ve had a few questions about students and church obligations for the Symphonic Winds. Assuming the contest is running on time (it normally does) I expect them to be finished with their performance and sight-reading by 4:45pm. I think we would be back at the school by 5:30pm at the latest. If you need to pick up your student to get to church sooner you may following their Sight-Reading performance.
Thursday, April 21st
Odem High School Wind Ensemble: 1:05pm
Band Hall Schedule:
Monday: Early Release Day – Band Hall closed after school
Tuesday: Open until 5pm (Color Guard Practice/Drum Major Practice)
Wednesday: Open until 5pm (Color Guard Practice)
Thursday: Carnegie Rehearsal 6:30pm-8:30pm
Friday: Open until 4pm
As always please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns!
Mr. Steven Rash
Director of Bands
Odem High School