Odem Bands Schedule – Week of 5/24/2021
As hard to believe as it is, we’ve made it to the end of this crazy school year! We want to thank each of our students and parents for making this year an amazing success in spite of a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic! Throughout this our students have done an amazing job of following protocols and representing themselves, their families, and Odem with Owl Pride!
We congratulate our amazing seniors this year on their accomplishments and their graduation on Saturday! Best of wishes to them as they move onto the next part of their journeys!
This week we will send home students with their personal instruments tomorrow. Students may take home their school instruments to practice over the summer if we have a Summer Checkout Form completed and turned into us. All personal instruments MUST go home for the summer!
For High School Students please keep an eye on our summer rehearsal schedule. We will have an evening rehearsal on the 14th of June to keep our momentum going towards next season. After that Leadership has a day on July 13th to help prepare for summer band and camps before Percussion starts up on July 14th. Leadership, Drum Majors, and Guard will have their camps on July 19th-21st, before everyone starts back on July 26th. As I say often to the students, all they have to do is ‘be there, and work hard,’ and we can accomplish anything!
For our JH students we have passed out our Pep Rally music for next year, as well as they have their region music to work on over the summer as well. We encourage them to pick up their instruments at least once a week to practice to avoid losing too much of the skill levels they have reached this year.
We are very much looking forward to a much more normal year next year, and anticipate a great new year when we see the students again!
Owl Band Booster Meeting
We will have our monthly booster meeting that was postponed from last week on Wednesday at 7pm. We are looking for a few new officers to fill positions that are being vacated. Please consider coming and joining this group that supports our students in Grades 6-12 each year! We will meet at the Junior High Band Hall for this meeting.
2021-2022 Odem Bands Calendar
We have met in the past couple of weeks to establish region events for bands. As such we have our 2021-2022 Calendar Available here: http://www.odembands.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/2021-2022-Odem-Bands-Calendar-v5-21.pdf We ask that you use this to avoid planning over events. With the HS Band students we have a very busy fall ahead of us, but we hope it leads to a great deal of success.
Our Summer Band Schedule may be found here: http://www.odembands.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-2022-Odem-Bands-Summer-Schedule-v1-4-13-2021.pdf
Marching Band Physicals
Every student in the marching band will need a new on this year, unless they had one this school year. (Most rolled over to this year as a one-time extension by UIL)
Every student must have a physical prior to the beginning of summer band (guard camp)! You may download a form here: https://www.uiltexas.org/files/athletics/PrePhysFormRvsd2.21.pdf
It would be very helpful if we could have these forms completed and turned into us or the athletic department by the final day of this school year.
Spring Band Fees
These fees of $25/student are past due at this point. We very much appreciate those of you who have already turned them in. This must be paid before the end of this week! Payment should be made out by check or money order to OEISD, Memo: Band
If there’s an issue with paying please contact us and we’ll find a way to work something out. Thank you for your assistance in getting these fees turned in!
This Week’s Schedule:
Monday: Band Hall Closed at 3:45pm (Instruments go home for summer)
Tuesday: Band Hall Closed at 3:45pmWednesday: Early Release
7pm Owl Band Booster Meeting (Junior High Band Hall)
Thursday: Early Release (Last Day of School)
Upcoming Events:
June 14th: Odem HS June Summer Band Rehearsal
July 13th: Odem HS Leadership Prep Day
July 14th-16th: Drumline and Front Ensemble Camp
July 19th-21st: Color Guard and Leadership/Drum Major Camps
July 26th: Odem HS Summer Band Begins
July 30th: Annual March-a-Thon
We hope that you all have a safe and healthy summer! Best wishes!