Odem Bands Schedule – Week of 5/7/2018
Thank you to everyone who came out and supported our students concerts last week! As we continue to close on the end of the year we do still have events that will be coming up. Please take some time to read through this carefully to be sure nothing is missed!
Florida Trip Meeting Tuesday Night:
One thing to note is that we are moving our trip meeting to this Tuesday due to a conflict with the 15th when we had originally planned to have it. The meeting will begin at 7:30pm following our Booster Meeting in the Band Hall. The students traveling on the trip and a parent need to be in attendance so we may cover trip procedures, rules, travel information, flight information, park information, etc. We will also have final forms to be filled out on this trip. Please bring a copy of insurance cards – or we can make a copy at the Band Hall. Any student who is currently, or will turn 18 during the trip, will need to have a Drivers license, State Issued ID, or Passport. We need to copy that ID prior to the trip as a backup just in case it is lost during the trip.
Please contact Mr. Rash if this date does not work for you to make alternate arrangements.
Tri-M Induction Ceremony
Our second ever Tri-M Induction Ceremony will be this Tuesday at 6pm. It will be in either the Cafetorium or the Band Hall depending on which space is available. We have seven new members that we will induct into the Tri-M Music Honor Society. Students are chosen based on musical academic, leadership, and service achievements to be members of this International Musical Honor Society. We will confirm the location with those students tomorrow in Band Class. Students should dress nicely for the occasion!
Officers will have a brief practice Monday or Tuesday. If any of our new members have not paid their $25 membership dues we need those prior to the ceremony. Any senior members who wish to have cords or stoles for graduation need to have those ordered by tomorrow at the end of the day.
Monthly Booster Meeting
Our monthly booster meeting will be held Tuesday at 7pm in the Band Hall. Officers should be present at 6:30pm to transition any offices/materials to the new officers who begin their term at this meeting. We are still currently seeking one officer position at this meeting. We will adjourn and segue into the Florida Trip Meeting at 7:30pm.
Drum Line Auditions
Our second round of drum line auditions will be held Wednesday after school. All students seeking a spot on the line should be in attendance to audition for that spot. We chose to have a second set of auditions for the line and will make final decisions following these tryouts.
Drum Major and Color Guard Tryouts
Drum Major and Color Guard Tryouts will be held this Thursday after school in the HS Band Hall. Guard members must have a money order or cashiers check for $350 at the tryouts before they begin. The ‘To’ line should be blank until we determine who makes the guard. Any student who is not chosen for the color guard will have theirs returned to them. Please contact Mr. Rash if you have any questions.
Summer Band Schedule
Please see the attached Summer Band Schedule for The Spirit of OHS practices/Events.
Other Events:
Monday, May 14th: Spring Evening of Jazz – 7pm OHS Cafetorium
Friday, May 18th: Final Day of School for Most Students – Personal instruments should be taken home for summer. School instruments may be checked out.
Monday, May 21st: OJH Band Trip to Schlitterbahn
Friday, May 25th: Graduation Practice at 4pm OHS Band Hall. Seated for Graduation at 7:30pm for Pre-Ceremony Music. Graduation Begins at 8pm. Mandatory for all OHS Band Students and OJH Symphonic Winds Students.
Sunday, May 27th-Monday, May 28th: UIL State Solo and Ensemble (Depart at 12:30pm) Return around 6:00pm on Monday.
Wednesday, May 30th-Thursday, May 31st: Drumline and Front Ensemble Practices Times TBD
Thursday, May 31st: Florida Trip Rehearsal (Practice together in smaller trip group) 4:30pm-6:00pm
Saturday, June 2nd: Check-In/Lock-In for Florida Trip
Sunday, June 3rd-Friday June 8th: Trip to Florida
As always please contact us if you have any questions! Thanks for your help and support in making this year a great one!
[pdf-embedder url=”http://www.odembands.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/2018-Summer-Band-Schedule-Revised-5-4-2018.pdf” title=”2018 Summer Band Schedule – Revised 5-4-2018″]