Odem Bands Schedule Week of 5/8/2017
I hope this message finds you well as we enter our final weeks of the school year! This will be another busy week for us with the bands as we have our final two concerts for the year. Please note that we will have our additional final performance at graduation with the Odem HS Band and JH Symphonic Winds Students. There will be a rehearsal for that on the 26th around 4pm. I will give more information about that as we approach. Given we will have a week off leading to that performance, and very few rehearsals the last week of school, it is imperative that all students plan to attend that.
Tuesday – Screeching Owl Jazz Band Spring Evening of Jazz
Tuesday at 7pm the Screeching Owl Jazz Band will have their final performance of the year. Please come join us for an evening of great music by one of the most outstanding bands we have ever had! The members of the group will have a mandatory sound check rehearsal after school on Monday until about 5pm.
Thursday – Odem Bands Spring Concert
Thursday the Odem JH Symphonic Winds and the OHS Bands will have their Spring Concert at 6:30pm in the Old HS Gym. Students will wear their standard concert attire for the concert. The Odem JH Symphonic Winds will begin the concert at 6:30pm. They should be seated in their chairs for the performance in the gym by 5:45pm. It’s imperative they are on time due to not rehearsing this week due to testing and trips.
OHS Symphonic Band Members should be at the Band Hall by 6pm, OHS Wind Ensemble Members should be in the choir room by 6:20pm.
Please come join us for an evening of performances by these fantastic bands!
OJH Symphonic Winds Attire:
Ladies – Black Blouse, Black Slacks, Black Dress Shoes
Gentlemen – White Button Down Shirt, Black Slacks, Black Socks, Black Dress Shoes
OHS Band Members Attire:
Ladies – Black Blouse, Black Slacks, Black Dress Shoes
Gentlemen – Black Button Down Shirt, Black Slacks, Black Dress Shoes
Band Fees:
Please note there are a good number of students who have not turned in their Spring Band Fees. That list will be turned in as fines tomorrow on both the JH and HS campuses. Please help us clear these as soon as possible. If you have questions or concerns please contact us.
End of Year Instrument Checkout:
Please note that students may take school instruments home for the summer to practice. The form attached to this e-mail must be filled out for each instrument a student takes home. Students will need to bring their instruments each day to school until we tell them to take them home for the summer. We are going to play that by ear this year with the final week of school.
If your student is Grades 6-8 it is likely that you have MR coverage for repairs for instruments. If your student still has coverage we recommend having the company look at the instrument, clean it, and repair any issues with them. Please contact us if you have questions on this.
2018 Orlando Trip:
For 8th-11ht Grade students attending the 2018 trip to Orlando we should have about $400 in their trip accounts at this time. Please help us to be as close to that number as possible before the summer break. We can still add on students for a few months yet, but need to have a solid idea of numbers by June if possible for our application to perform at Disney World.
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns. We look forward to the next week’s performances!
Download Summer Instrument Checkout Form (Right click and save as to download)