Odem Bands Schedule: Week of 5/9/2016
I hope this finds you well as we move into one of our busiest weeks of the year that will lead us to begin winding down our school year. Please pay close attention to the days and times of events below. In summary we have the following this week; Monday Carnegie Rehearsal 7pm-8:30pm, Tuesday Ground Breaking Performance and JH Beginning Band and JH Concert Band Spring Concert, and Thursday JH Symphonic Winds and HS Bands Spring Concert. Please note that as always concerts are required and graded performances!
Carnegie Notes
This week we will have a 90 minute rehearsal for our Carnegie Hall Performance on Monday night from 7pm-8:30pm. If any ladies have not been measured for their dress hems that needs to happen by Tuesday.
Gentlemen will also need to have their pants hemmed. It would be helpful if parents could help us out with the gentlemen’s pants. We will most likely send Tuxedos home with them this week to do that. If this is something you don’t think you are able to do please let your student know and we’ll see if we can get someone to do that for them. Please remember the Tuxedos and Dresses are the schools and we hope to also get use out of them for a number of years as the beginning of a proper set of concert uniforms for our students.
I am also still missing forms from a number of students. If you would please make certain I have those by Friday. I still have about 3 parents that I have not yet made meetings up with yet as well, please make those appointments with me as soon as possible.
Tuesday HS Ground Breaking Ceremony
Tuesday Odem-Edroy ISD is going to hold a ground breaking ceremony at Noon at the site of the New HS. Eligible members of The Spirit of OHS will be released from classes at 11am to prepare and participate. We would like students to wear band shirts that day as we will most likely get at least a few seconds of TV coverage!
Tuesday Beginning Band and JH Concert Band Concert
Tuesday night the JH Beginning Band and JH Concert Band will have their spring concert in the Cafetorium at 6:30pm. Beginning Band Students must report to the Cafetorium and be in their seats by 5:45pm. The OJH Concert Band Students need to be in their seats in the Band Hall by 6:00pm. This is imperative as we will not see them in the morning Monday and Tuesday.
Concert attire is the standard junior high band attire. Gentlemen: White Button Down Shirt, Black Slacks, Black Dress Shoes, and Black Socks. Preferably a navy blue tie as well. Ladies: Black Blouse and Black Slacks. No skirts/dresses.
Thursday OJH Symphonic Winds and HS Spring Concert
On Thursday we will have our annual Spring Concert and conclude with a mass band performance beginning at 6:30pm in the Old HS Gym. Students must report at the following times:
OJH Symphonic Winds – 6pm Old HS Gym
OHS Symphonic Band – 6pm Odem Band Hall
OHS Wind Ensemble – 6:20pm Choir Room
Please note all students must attend and stay through the end of the concert.
Junior High Students Dress Code: Gentlemen: White Button Down Shirt, Black Slacks, Black Dress Shoes, and Black Socks. Preferably a navy blue tie as well. Ladies: Black Blouse and Black Slacks. No skirts/dresses.
High School Students may wear a colored dress shirt in place of the black shirt/blouse. Black slacks and black shoes must be worn though for both gentlemen and ladies. No skirts/dresses.
Odem Band Hall Schedule:
Monday: Open until 5:00pm, Carnegie Rehearsal 7pm-8:30pm
Tuesday: OJH Beginning Band and OJH Concert Band Spring Concert 6:30pm (Cafetorium)
Wednesday: Band Hall Open until 4:30pm
Thursday: OJH Symphonic Winds and Odem HS Bands Concert 6:30pm (Old HS Gym)
Friday: Band Hall Closed after school
As always thank you for your help and support of these fantastic students!
Mr. Steven Rash
Director of Bands
Odem High School