Odem Bands Schedule – Week of 6/12/2024
First this week we would like to extend a huge congratulations to the students who travelled to Cleveland last week! They are still receiving a ton of compliments a week later, and it’s a testament to their behavior and musicianship last week! We are planning to have a showing of their concert sometime in the next week or two at the Band Hall. We’re going to schedule it the same night as a postponed booster meeting, please stay tuned for more there!
We’re now officially done with 2023-2024 with the Odem Bands, and now are on to 2024-2025! First up will be Guard/Drum Major/Leadership Camp this week in Commerce. Students need to be at the HS Band Hall by 4 am on Saturday. Arrival may start at 3:50 am (please do not plan on arriving earlier in this instance!) Students will need to gather their equipment/instruments/needed materials and be ready to load. We will be departing as soon after that as possible!
We will make a couple of stops on our way up for snacks/bathroom/food. Check-in for the camp begins at 12 pm and we hope to make it there about that time. Students need to have all of their forms filled out online at this time (I believe they do). We also need Odem Bands travel forms from any students new to band. I will have those to fill out that morning or email me and I will send them to you. We do ask parents to hang around for a few minutes after your student’s arrival just so we verify we have all of the signed forms before you leave.
After we check students in we will go to a neighboring area with a few fast food restaurants and students will be able to pick where they want to eat an early dinner. Their camps all begin at 5 pm.
There is a wide variety of things students do need to bring to this camp, including bedding, towels, and more. Please see this PDF for more: https://drive.google.com/file/d/181eaUTXstq6uLUB3Eibwge2POy-pBatG/view?usp=share_link TAMUC also has a list of things on their site at the very bottom of their Summer Music Camps page entitled ‘What to Bring.’
Tuesday night the Guard and Leadership Camps have a final performance at 7 pm at their ‘Memorial Stadium.’ The camps are concluded for the students at that time, but we will stay one more night just to be safe on our travel home. Thursday we will check out of the dorms and after a breakfast stop head home. Students will need money for Breakfast and Lunch that day on our way home. You are more than welcome to attend their final performance on Tuesday night though and pick up students providing we have the appropriate forms completed.
Once we finish this week our next event will be for Leadership and invited students to attend a clinic with Marching Health on July 15th-16th, then Leadership continues the rest of the week in Odem. Guard/Percussion Camps will also take place on July 17th-19th. All members return on July 22nd this year for Summer Band. This year’s Full HS Summer Band Schedule is now available here as well: http://www.odembands.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/2024-2025-Odem-Bands-Calendar-Version-1-4-7-2024.pdf
This Week’s Schedule:
Day: | Event: |
Monday: | Band Hall Closed |
Tuesday: | Band Hall Closed |
Wednesday: | Band Hall Closed |
Thursday: | Band Hall Closed |
Friday: | Band Hall Closed |
Saturday: | Depart for TAMU-Commerce Camp 4am |
Upcoming Events:
Day: | Event: | Time: |
Saturday-Wednesday | TAMUC Camp (Guard, Drum Majors, Leadership) | |
July 15th – 16th | Marching Health Clinic (Leadership and Other Invited) | |
July 17th-19th | Guard Choreography CampLeadership/Drum Major TrainingPercussion Camp | |
July 22nd | Summer Band Begins for All HS Band |
Thank you for your help and support of these amazing students! Please contact us if you have any questions!