Odem Bands Schedule – Week of 7/12/2021
I hope this message finds you well and rested during this well-deserved summer vacation! As the new season approaches for The Spirit of OHS, we are beginning to get things in motion and ready for everything to start up for this season! This week we begin with a day for the Leadership Team on Tuesday, from 9am-3pm to prepare, and then Drumline/Front Ensemble Camp Wednesday-Friday from 9am-4pm each day.
The following week we will be having our Leadership Camp for Section Leaders/Drum Majors, and Colorguard Camps Monday through Wednesday. Those camps will run from 9am-5pm Monday and Tuesday, and 9am-12:30pm for Leadership Wednesday, and 9am-3pm for Guard. The Colorguard will do a presentation of what they have learned at 2:30pm on Wednesday to close out the camp. I will give more information on both next weekend. All of our leadership team will be needed the full days to work with our guest clinician.
For all students for our events this summer they should wear tennis shoes, comfortable shorts/shirts that are appropriate for school dress code, and bring water with them. We will be providing all students a new water jug this year as part of their fall band fees. We will hand those out when we begin our full summer band rehearsal schedule on Monday, July 26th.
I have had a number of students ask about our mask policy at this point. Per a directive from the Governor’s office there may be no mask mandate in place at this time in schools, and thus we have lifted all requirements to do so. It is my hope that all of our students have at least had the opportunity to get vaccinated at this point, which would mitigate our risks/need to quarantine greatly in the case of a confirmed COVID-19 case. The CDC’s current guidance is that if a student has not been vaccinated that it would be in their best interest to wear a mask indoors, but they have stated that vaccinated staff/students should not need to wear masks indoors unless there is an immune issue. All of that being said we advise parents and their students to make their best choice for them and their family here. We however will not be enforcing masks at all at this time. Bell covers will also no longer be required/used.
In the section below, I discuss Marching Band Physicals. A reminder to all students/parents that the majority of our band needs a new physical this year. We cannot have a student practice outdoors with us until we have a current physical on file per UIL State Rules. With it being a very big State Advancing year we ask that you help us ensure all students have those before July 26th. You may drop them off directly to us, or in the case of an Athlete just turn it into the Athletic Department. We have access to Rank One where we track those to ensure we have all of those in place.
Finally, below I also have included information on our March-A-Thon, held on July 30th this year, and a T-Shirt Order Form for extras of our marching band shirts. We need all shirt orders to be completed and turned into us August 5th, as well as students Fall Band Fees paid by that date as well. Those fees will be $60 for all, and an additional $35 for Freshmen/students who need new Marching Shoes. The fee that everyone pays includes Show Shirt, Band Shorts, Water Jug, and Gloves and some supplies. Guard students have separate fees and do not pay the general band fee. If any of them have outstanding balances we need that by that time as well. If this poses an issue for you in any way please contact me as soon as you can and we will find a way to help and support you and your student! Payments should be made via Check/Money Order to OEISD – Memo: Band.
Marching Band Physicals
Every student in the marching band will need a new physical this year, unless they had one this past school year. (Most rolled over to last year as a one-time extension by UIL)
Every student must have a physical prior to the beginning of outdoor rehearsals! You may download a form here: https://www.uiltexas.org/files/athletics/PrePhysFormRvsd2.21.pdf
These must be completed by July 26th!!!
Last year with everything going on we were unable to perform our Annual March-A-Thon Fundraiser, but are looking forward to bringing it back this year. For this fundraiser we ask students to seek pledges/donations of at least $50 per student to help support the needs of the band through the 2021 Marching Season.
On the form I have linked (http://www.odembands.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/2021-March-A-Thon-Packet.pdf) you will find a map of our normal route that we take for the event. We will stop at any house along the way and perform a song for a $50 donation. We also ask for businesses to donate through this fundraiser that we also acknowledge during the announcements of our half-time show every Friday night through the season. Please ask your work places if perhaps they would consider sponsoring The Spirit of OHS this year! We’re excited about our season and hope to be able to support the students in every way that we can!
2021 Show Shirts
I have attached a form here (http://www.odembands.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/2021-Marching-Band-Tshirt-Order-Form.pdf) with our 2021 Show Shirt Order Form. This form is only for extras for family’s/community members that would like one. We need these shirt forms and payment by Thursday, August 5th so that we can get them ordered with all of the students’ other items. The shirts are moisture management material.
This Week’s Schedule:
Monday: No Events
Tuesday: 9am-3pm Leadership (Drum Majors and Section Leaders/Guard Captains) Wednesday: 9am-4pm Drumline and Front Ensemble Camp
Thursday: 9am-4pm Drumline and Front Ensemble Camp
Friday: 9am-4pm Drumline and Front Ensemble Camp
Upcoming Events:
July 13th: Odem HS Leadership Prep Day
July 14th-16th: Drumline and Front Ensemble Camp
July 19th-21st: Color Guard and Leadership/Drum Major Camps
July 26th: Odem HS Summer Band Begins
July 30th: Annual March-a-Thon
August 5th: Band Fees and Extra Shirt Orders Due
We are excited to be back and getting the momentum started with our ‘Sweet’ season!