Odem Bands Schedule Week of 8/7/2017
We have had two very good weeks of rehearsals so far and are looking forward to continuing with those this week! Due to the addition of football practices we will be adjusting our practice schedule time this week. Inside rehearsals will be from 3:30pm-5:00pm, outside will be 6:00pm-9:00pm. It is imperative that every student is attending every rehearsal. We have put the first two songs, and not quite half of of the show on the field so far. It is my hope to have at least the third song and part of the fourth song on as well this week!
By Wednesday, August 16th we will need students to have at least Fall Band Fee #1 ($35) turned in for the fall. Guard should also have the remaining balance of their fees paid by that date. For freshmen and any upperclassmen that need shoes we will need that additional $40 by the 24th of August so we may have shoes in time for the first game on the 1st of September.
Please note that the first game is on Friday, September 1st – our calendar we’ve sent out had an older proposed date of Thursday on it. There will be some additional calendar changes for the spring coming following our Annual Region Meeting this coming Saturday. I will provide an updated calendar after that meeting.
At some point late this week, or early next week, I hope to begin our move to the New High School with the band. When I receive that clearance I’ll be asking for volunteer students to help safely move our equipment to the new space. Please stay tuned for more information in regards to this.
Thank you for all of your help and support, we look forward to presenting our Meet the Band night on Wednesday, August 23rd at 8pm. Please make plans to attend!