Odem Bands Schedule – Week of 9/14/2020
Last week we began Face-to-Face with some of the students in the district. At the high school only, we are adding additional students to the campus tomorrow. Please make sure that those students bring their instruments each day to school. We are asking students to take their instruments back and forth each day in case of a situation where they end up unable to come back to campus due to an exposure. We hope that does not happen, but want to be prepared so that instruction may continue as long as a student is well. This applies to our junior high students as well. Instruments should be dropped off before school in the band halls, or per other directions for students who may have other circumstances.
With more students returning at the high school to face-to-face this week we are going to adjust our rehearsal schedule to our traditional times. Monday 6:30-8:30, Wednesday 4pm-5:30pm, Thursday 6:30pm-8:30pm. Please note that Wednesday will be shifting earlier. It is a tradeoff of missing out some rehearsal time with those students in athletics, but also lets students get home earlier and make it to church activities that occur on that evening for some.
This week we will be having our Senior Band Parents night during half-time. We are choosing to do this early this year to make sure we’re able to properly recognize our seniors. Parents will need to have a ticket to get into the stadium. You may purchase tickets before the general public online using the code that I sent to students via Remind yesterday. If a student didn’t get it and you need it please let me know and I’ll send it to you. The site to purchase tickets is here: https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=Http%3a%2f%2fodemedroy.hometownticketing.com%2fembed%2fall&c=E,1,oIMcGCOHvoNnXPgfn8YZDlaptkJylXh5eE4GYkcWrfg-ut_9ReofayBiKFtYg8sdyrQ-HF8AbltNvJ6Kb7blZDf_rlQJ1BxHX1WNySe8AxrHWgVX&typo=1
Please note that there is a capacity limit on the stadium so please do pre-purchase tickets before Wednesday to ensure your admission!
This week also marks the second to last week of the six-weeks. Many virtual assignments across all classes are not complete. Most teachers are willing to work with students on incomplete assignments still due to circumstances. Please check with your student on them. Progress reports were mailed out Thursday to families.
Our last main thing this week is a request that parents help us ensure that students have their Odem Bands Slitted Mask each day. We have had specialized masks made that research jointly from the University of Colorado, University of Maryland, and Colorado State University shows reduces aerosol transmission by a significant amount. By using them and bell covers we are using the best practices of mitigation strategies to keep our students and community safe. We will not allow students to play without them for all of our safety. (Exception is Flute due to their study showing distancing 6+ feet is sufficient)
This fall is a difficult time for all of us, and our goal in the bands is to do our best that if a positive case of COVID-19 occurs in our population, that we do not see it spread further. Please help us to keep your students safe! If a student loses a mask please have them speak with us. We didn’t order a significant amount of extras, but can figure out our best option for replacement. (Those masks should only be used in the band rehearsal setting and never elsewhere)
This Week’s Schedule:
Monday: 6:30pm-8:30pm HS Marching Rehearsal
Tuesday: Band Hall Closed
Wednesday: 4:00pm-5:30pm HS Marching Rehearsal
Thursday: 6:30pm-8:30pm HS Marching Rehearsal
Friday: Odem vs. Karnes City
5:30pm – Students at HS Band Hall
7:30pm – Kick-Off
Halftime – Senior Band Parents Night
~9:30pm – Game ends.
Upcoming Events:
Friday: Odem vs. Karnes City (Band Senior Night at Half-time)
Wednesday, September 30th: Odem JH Beginning Band Instrument Drive
Friday, October 2nd: Odem vs. Natalia
Friday, October 9th: Odem vs. Falfurrias (Homecoming)
Updated Calendar for 2020-2021 here (One Change is Beginning Band Drive is September 30th)
Thank you for all of your help and support, please let us know if you have any questions!