Odem Bands Schedule – Week of 9/17/2018
We would like to thank all of the parents who attended our meeting last week. There will be a make-up meeting for parents who could not attend last weeks this Wednesday at 6:30pm in the Cafetorium at the HS. If you could not attend last week please do your best to attend this meeting. We will begin making contact with parents of students who have not attended either meeting after this weekend. We would also like to extend a big thank you to those of you who also came and helped out at the concession stand on our Thursday game!
This week begins a busy five weeks for the Odem Bands with an event on every weekend for us. Please read the schedule carefully if you have a high school student. This week is also the first pep rally for the OJH students for their Tuesday Game.
Odem vs. Santa Gertrudis:
The Varsity Football Game this week versus Santa Gertrudis will be on Thursday at the TAMUK Javelina Stadium. Due to the game start of 7pm we will need students to be at the Band Hall by 4:45pm. We hope to return to the Band Hall around 11-11:30pm that night.
All-Region/All-Area Jazz Auditions:
Saturday we will host the All-Region Jazz auditions at Odem HS. We need a few parents to help volunteer to run a small concession stand and generally monitor students throughout the contest. We will have students probably begin to start arriving around 8:30am and hope to finish the contest by 3pm or 4pm depending on how long it takes to record advancing students. Please contact me if you might be able to help out with the event.
Upcoming Events/Competitions:
Saturday, September 22nd: All-Region Jazz Auditions (Odem HS)
Saturday, September 29th: Robstown Marching Festival (Robstown HS)
Saturday, October 6th: Gregory-Portland HS Marching Festival (Gregory-Portland HS)
Saturday, October 13th: OHS Marching Clinic with guest clinician 3pm-6pm (Owl Stadium)
Saturday, October 20th: UIL Region Marching Contest (Sinton HS)
Friday, November 2nd: Bands of America Super-Regional Competition (AlamoDome) (Will return for game vs. Taft after performance)
Saturday, November 3rd: BOA Day 2 and Awards Ceremony
This Week’s Odem Band Schedule:
Monday: 6:30pm-8:30pm Evening Marching Rehearsal
Tuesday: Band Hall Open until 4:30pm
Wednesday: 4:30pm-6:00pm Evening Marching Rehearsal
Thursday: Odem vs. Santa Gertrudis (TAMUK Javelina Stadium)
. 4:45pm – Students at Band Hall
. 7:00pm – Game begins
. 11:00pm-11:30pm – Approximate Return Home
Friday: Band Hall Open until 4:30pm
Saturday: All-Region/Area Jazz Auditions (Hosting)
. 8:00am – Volunteers at school
. 8:30am – Other schools begin arriving
. 9:30am – Judges Meeting (Auditions begin immediately after)
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns! We appreciate all of your support of these amazing students!