Odem Bands Schedule – Week of 9/25/2023
This week I would like to begin this email by expressing my sincerest gratitude to the students, parents, community members, and others who were involved in the contest. Yesterday we unfortunately had a judge experience a medical emergency during the contest, but fortunately we had an army of people respond as we began giving him care. I am very pleased to make sure you know that he has contacted me that he is now doing better and should fully recover!!! The speed with which we had trained medical nurses and doctors into the press box was invaluable yesterday! Several students in particular also did an outstanding job responding as I called out for assistance and deserve to be recognized. Vince Barrera, Shawn Williams, Lillan Kiefer, all did an outstanding job getting the phone calls going and people in to help! I don’t know many of those who came to assist in the box yesterday, but my thanks to Mr. Barrera and others who responded far more ably than we would have on our own!
Aside from this, the contest itself ran well, and we received some good feedback in regard to the event. It was still a successful fundraiser for us, and we appreciate every parent, alumnus, student, and community member for their assistance in running the large event!
This coming week marks our one Pre-UIL competition we will compete in leading to our UIL Region Marching Contest on the 14th. We will be traveling to Victoria to compete in the USBands Victoria Crossroad Showcase at Memorial Stadium. Our performance is scheduled for 1:15pm, and we will need students to be at the HS by 7am Saturday morning for our walkthrough. We will stay for awards at 2:30pm and then depart for home, being home before 5pm.
Tickets for the event are $16.75 in advance online here: https://www.showpass.com/usbands-crossroads-23/ If you purchase there at the gate, the price will be higher. (I haven’t seen in the packet how much they’ll go up) If you want to see your student perform for free, we could also use some volunteer parent helpers on the field this year! We have one larger prop to place this week, and it would be helpful if we had some parents to oversee the placement. We also could use some hands with the front ensemble. Any parent who helps will receive a field pass badge to get you in. The full schedule for students of right now is below.
Please note that while students do not have school on NEXT Monday (10/2), we do still have rehearsal! Next Saturday (October 7th) we have a legendary clinician coming in to work with the band from 3pm-6pm. That is mandatory for all students and is a test grade like each of our performances. October 14th is UIL Region Marching Contest (Beeville), October 21st we host the 2A UIL Area E Marching Contest (Exhibition Performance), and October 28th is our Area Marching Contest in Beeville where students (if we advance from Region) will compete at the 3A UIL Area Contest in Beeville for a chance at the UIL State Marching Contest. In the band world the phrase ‘Bandtober’ has become our normal term for the month, and I’m sure you can see why as we have something every single weekend until the end of the month!
Saturday – USBands Victoria Showcase
Students will need to arrive with their band shirts/shorts on. They may wish to bring money for snacks at a rest stop on the way home. We will be feeding them lunch before they perform.
7:00am: Students at HS For Run-through
8:00am: Load instruments/Equipment
8:30am: Dressed in Uniforms
9:00am: Board Buses
9:20am: Depart
11:00am: Arrive/Unload
12:30pm: Warm-Up
1:15pm: Perform
2:30pm: Awards
3:00pm: Depart
~5:00pm: Return to Odem
This Week’s Schedule:
Day: | Event: |
Monday: | 6:30pm-8:30pm – Marching Rehearsal |
Tuesday: | No Rehearsal |
Wednesday: | 4:15pm-5:30pm – Rehearsal |
Thursday: | 6:30pm-8:30pm Rehearsal |
Friday: | Odem vs. Santa Rosa (Home) 5:30pm at Band Hall 7:30pm – Game Begins ~10pm – Game Ends and Students Pickedup |
Saturday: | USBands Victoria Marching Showcase 7:00am: Students at HS For Run-through 8:00am: Load instruments/Equipment 8:30am: Dressed in Uniforms 9:00am: Board Buses 9:20am: Depart 11:00am: Arrive/Unload 12:30pm: Warm-Up 1:15pm: Perform 2:30pm: Awards 3:00pm: Depart ~5:00pm: Return to Odem |
Upcoming Events:
Day: | Event: | Time: |
Friday | Odem vs. Santa Rosa (Home) | |
Saturday | US Bands Victoria Marching Contest | 1:30pm Performance |
Monday | Evening Rehearsal | 6:30pm-8:30pm |
October 6th | Odem vs. Monte Alto (Monte Alto) | |
October 7th | Annual Marching Clinic (Mandatory!) Trumpets with Clinician 1:30pm-2:30pm | 3pm-6pm |
October 13th | Odem vs Hebbronville (Home) | |
October 14th | UIL Region Marching Contest (Beeville) | |
October 20th | Odem vs. Banquete (Banquete) | |
October 21st | Host UIL 2A Area Marching Contest (Perform during tabulation) | |
October 27th | Odem vs. George West (Home) Senior Band Parents Night | |
October 28th | UIL Area Marching Contest (Beeville) |
Thank you for your help and support of these amazing students! Please contact us if you have any questions!