Odem Bands Schedule: Week of 9/5/2016
It seems like just yesterday we started band camp, and now we’re already in the third week of the school year!
With that in mind I would like to pass on that there is a parent portal available with our new grading system to keep tabs on students grades. The biggest factor of a student becoming ineligible are zeroes. As I explain to them, it takes three grades of 100 just to get past a single zero and pass a class. For students who accumulate multiple zeroes it quickly becomes an issue of not being able to dig themselves out of a hole. I highly recommend using planners and marking assignments as they’re given to help keep track of these items. It is always tough when you see someone has worked for months on their competition performance and to have to remove them from performing with a band is quite disheartening for all involved.
This week we will have another away game and are in need of parents to ride buses with us to the games. Parents do need a background check each year in order to ride the buses. The background check form is available on our website (www.odembands.org under Volunteer – the 2015-2016 form is the current form), please fill it out and make a copy of both sides of your drivers license. The application should be taken to the secretary at the High School campus and will be brought through the proper channels then.
Additionally we need about 7-10 adults to help out with moving props and equipment beginning this week or next. We have a total of 5 physical props, 7 folding chairs, and 2 tarps that we will need to setup and tear down during each show. If you’re interested please meet us down on the track as we begin moving towards our warmup during the end of the second quarter. We also invite eligible 7th and 8th grade students to help as well!
Odem Bands Weekly Schedule:
Monday: Marching Practice 6:30pm-8:30pm (No Front Ensemble)
Tuesday: Booster Meeting 7pm
Wednesday: Marching Practice 5pm-6:30pm
Thursday: First JH Pep Rally 3:10pm – Old HS Gym
Marching Practice 6:30pm-8:30pm
Friday: Odem vs. George West at George West
Students at Band Hall at 4:45pm
Game Begins at 7:30pm
Return around Midnight
Please help us make sure high school students are making it to marching rehearsals. We also ask that you help us ensure that junior high students are taking their instruments home each day to practice. Currently they should be primarily practicing their pep rally music and all-region music for both groups. Symphonic Winds has a couple of pieces that Mr. Williams passed out to them last week that they should also be working on.
Thanks again for your help and support in making the Odem Bands one of the very finest programs in the State of Texas!
Mr. Steven Rash
Director of Bands
Odem High School