Pre-UIL Concert Reminder

Please remember we will have our Pre-UIL Concert on Monday evening at 6:30pm. Concert order is OJH Symphonic Winds, OHS Screeching Owl Jazz Band, OHS Symphonic Band, and OHS Wind Ensemble.
Concert attire for all HS Students: Ladies – Black Blouse/Black Slacks (No skirts/dresses), Gentlemen – Long Sleeve Black Button Down Shirt, Black Slacks, and Black Dress Shoes.
JH Students: Ladies – Black Blouse/Black Slacks (No skirts/dresses), Gentlemen – White Button Down Shirt, Tie (Solid Navy Preferred), Black Slacks, and Black Dress Shoes.
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns. I wanted to make sure we have a reminder out there so the concert being the day back from spring break doesn’t catch anyone by surprise!
Enjoy the last of Spring Break!