Odem Bands Schedule – Week of 10/7/2019
Congratulations to The Spirit of OHS on a great performance yesterday at the USBands Jourdanton Showcase! They earned 1st Place in Class 2 Open, as well as received every caption in their division! We now have two weeks to focus on the comments from the judges before UIL Region Marching Contest on the 15th. We have a tentative performance time of 10:15am on that day, that we believe will be confirmed sometime this week.
This week we will be having our monthly Owl Band Booster Meeting Tuesday night, at 7pm, at the OHS Band Hall. Please note that this is one of the events that counts in our student incentive program for this year that we discussed at this past week’s meeting. (http://www.odembands.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/OWL-BAND-BOOSTERS-Volunteer-Incentive-Plan.pdf) If you were unable to attend that meeting I would ask that you please make an appointment to meet with me sometime this week.
Our big event for this week will be our clinic with Mrs. Coral (Rios) Charles who taught at Luling ISD for 28 years. During that time she traveled with her band to the UIL State Marching Contest numerous times! We are looking forward to our clinic with her this Saturday from 3pm-6pm. This is a mandatory and graded event for our students! We need every student to be present for her to help us finish our preparations for Region/Area marching competitions! Due to the time rehearsing for the clinic we will change our rehearsal schedule this week to accommodate our UIL 8-Hour Rule Limitation. We will rehearse only Monday and Wednesday evenings, not Thursday this week.
The following week is Homecoming Week (Week of 10/14). Due to the events leading up to Homecoming we will rehearse the following Tuesday 6:30-8:30pm due to loss of Thursday that week. Volleyball players will be excused from that rehearsal.
Please help us make sure students are at every rehearsal between now and the UIL Area contest, which is only three weeks away! For us to be successful there we must have every student present to clean drill, music, and the extra details to our show!
Upcoming Events:
Friday: Odem vs. Hebbronville (Hebbronville)
Saturday: Marching Band Clinic with Mrs. Charles 3pm-6pm
October 18th: Odem vs. Monte Alto (Homecoming)
October 19th: UIL Region Marching Contest (Sinton) (Tentative 10:15am Performance)
October 25th: Odem vs. Banquete (Banquete)
October 26th: UIL Area Marching Contest (AC Jones HS – Beeville)
November 1st: Odem vs. Taft (Home – Band Seniors Night)
You can find the 2019-2020 Odem Bands Calendar here. (http://www.odembands.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/2019-2020-Odem-Bands-Calendar-Version-1.1.pdf)
Schedule this Week:
Monday: 6:30pm-8:30pm – Marching Rehearsal
Tuesday: Band Booster Meeting 7pm OHS Band Hall
Wednesday: 4:30pm-6:00pm – Marching Rehearsal
Thursday: No Rehearsal due to Saturday Clinic
Friday: Odem vs. Hebbronville
Students at Band Hall by 2pm
More details on Friday will be given to students later this week. We will feed them an early dinner before the game
7:30pm Kick-Off
~12:30am – Return to OHS
Saturday: Annual Odem Band Clinic
3:00pm-6:00pm – Mandatory for all Odem HS Bands Students
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns!